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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Didn't have to be your top three, just three of them :)

One's calendar is a good choice as it's good to be organised. That help facilitate other things in life too, so can bring greater enjoyment from life.

Haha, I like the sunscreen one too. I'm in Australia where the sun is brutal so yeah, it's a thing.

Pressure cooker...You know you can't mention braised beef recipes without also sending an invite!


makes a note to invite you for the next time I make some good braised beef

I promise it's the one thing I can make decently! Ahem ahem it is grandma approved too 😉.

Summers in Australia are definitely no joke. I have seen several videos of them. 😅

With calendars, I just like the little feedback it gives me with what I need to get done and then I can peacefully do anything else I want.

I like your notes. 😀

Yeah, it gets super hot here and I hate it. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, being born here and all but, nope. It's 26C today and that's about as hot as I like it. It'll go to 47-48 eventually though and I'll melt.

Grandma approved? Now I'm more excited to have a taste of it... How do I get mine? 🙄

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Instead of shipping it over, it would stay a lot fresher if I simply teleport over there.

😂 😂 😂 Teleporting on my screen... Teleport to Nigeria then I'll know you really want to give me

I would love to one day travel more internationally and check out Nigeria. I have a friend who volunteered there.

Ha, ha, ha. Grandma approved foods are certified finger-licking goodies!

Is your grandma a rad G'ma? Mine isn't but she's cool!

What's braised beef?

It's just like a stew with beef that becomes tender and you can throw in lots of different kinds of vegetables. I have made vegetarian versions with no beef as well and they were also just as good.

Oh okay🤤🤤....I love anything that is sauce like especially if it's savoury

It is 9am here hahahahha and now I have gotten oddly hungry 🤣🤣. I do share the same sentiment as you 😉

Also let the record show that I do keep notes, just not on the calendar. I have 3 notebooks with in reach and at least another 3 more that are current and active.

Then we forget to look at the notes.... ha ha well I do!

Yeah. There is that, isn't there? Good to see you Joan!

Even when right next to you.... forget you do!

Trust you are well Tom, enjoy seeing you here once a week, miss your posts perhaps soon another ride? Take care!

I am currently in 'heavy search' mode for a new motorcycle. I'm pretty pissed at both my current (broken) rides. I am starting to believe that everything flows from my riding. Posting, working on broken motorcycles, everything. I should know how my theory works in practice in a month or so :)

I was meaning to ask you if any of your Rhodies got 'white face' early? Sam is just now 6 and is really starting to get a lot of white hair on his face. Makes it easier to see when he's looking at me out in the brush, but it seems early to me.

Bikes are like bad wives giving you uphill, buy another and set those two free, no use building a harem that is too old for your sprightly nature....

Rex went pretty 'white face' around 7, Jodi not so much at that age but she wore the 'pants', he was my shadow perhaps that was the reason his showed earlier. Give Sam a hug I do miss my Rhodies!

woohoo! I commend you on your notebooks. I only have one with me hehehehhe.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

No, actually. 3 here by my desk and three near my study chair. I have at least 20 that are inactive...

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Ahahahahaha. I like inactive, too. I have a couple that are dedicated research and no real particular reason why they haven't been recycled. "Because they are just inactive, that's why."

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

It didn't have to be our top three? Sigh. Re-reads instructions. Forehead slap.

Lol. I just asked for what three things are important. Any would have worked, didn't have to be the three top things, although I did ask what was the number one out of the three mentioned.

All good. A forehead slap is never wasted.

Thank you. I could keep doing it all day. I read somewhere that life is one continuous mistake. Seems about right. Also, it's a comforting thought. The continuous mistake, not the forehead slap.

Mistakes lead us into attitudes and actions that can help prevent them from happening...So, make more mistakes.

I like that. I had a team leader once in the corporate world who told me that if I was not making mistakes, he would take it as a sign that I was not doing any work. That's life, I think. If we sit on the sidelines, we don't mess up, but nothing happens. Easy on the ego, perhaps, but not really living.

Failure brings us closer to success as we learn from it, or should, and then have anotyer try.

😂 How did I miss that? Please @mooncity while bringing some for him, I hope you'd stop by my place to give me mine.

Braised beef seem delicious and I'll love to try it out

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I like the fact that she's organized....I for one I'm very organized I can't deal with chaos...but instead of a calendar I deal more with 'to do' lists and notes

Chaos can disrupt the best laid plans. Best to mitigate it through strategies like notes and to-do lists. Great plan indeed!