Yeah, Australia has a very stable power grid and it's rare for the electricity to drop out which is great. Of course, many other countries don't enjoy that benefit for many reasons I guess.
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Yeah, Australia has a very stable power grid and it's rare for the electricity to drop out which is great. Of course, many other countries don't enjoy that benefit for many reasons I guess.
For Austrialia and parts of Europe and the Americas, it is understandable when there is power outage. Here in sub-Saharan Africa, power supply is a huge failure. There has never been a time when we enjoyed power supply for ten day consecutively in the last ten to twenty years.
Why is the power so bad there in your opinion?
Corruption in high places of authority.
Yep, that's what I thought you'd say.
That's the basis for most African problems.
Yes, that's plain to see even from all the way over here.