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RE: Before anyone else [BAE] - A posting contest - ENTRIES NOW CLOSED

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Yep, it's about the participation. I rarely enter contests on hive and when I do it's in support of it, not to win it. Like you. I appreciate it greatly you know, and your post is so heartwarming. So, danke.

P.s. I had a pen pal when I was in Primary school. Didn't marry her though. Your post made me think of it. Can't recall where she was from. Canadamadia? (I love spelling that countries' name wrong for some reason.) It was a school project thing. I think she was disappointed to get the kid with the funny name. Oh well, too bad her her.


Gern geschehen🙂.

It used to drive me crazy when I posted on my website's blog, this was back when I was still blogging there a lot and participating in 'blogging memes', I would put a lot of effort into the post, comment on other people's blogs, but there was zero reciprocation, no replying to posts or comments on their posts, nothing. I just kept wondering 'why do you people actually blog, ask questions, etc. when you are not interacting with your audience?'

Oh well - people... lowering expectations helps.

Pen-friends used to be a thing, not so much anymore with everything and everyone being connected in real-time. I'd say it was her loss to judge on a name.

I like that line:

People - Lowering expectations helps.

Could not agree more.