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RE: [Week 132] Weekend-Engagement concept

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

I threw in a couple trick ones...let's see if anyone takes the bait.

I just got back from my end of year work dinner, a really top-notch seafood restaurant. It's after midnight and I'm tired but, satisfied. It was a good night.

I hope you Friday is going well and you're feeling a little better.


Eh heh I'm still full of pain, but it was predictable, however I'm not complaining. I hope dinner went well ... I love fish! Anyway as they say... let the weekend begin!

Bloody covid 19 huh? You'll be on the mend soon enough though.

Well yes come on, a few days of patience and I'll be back at full speed💪 However, apart from a bit of physical suffering, cough, fever and pain, I must say that I have been able to use these days to dedicate myself to my projects... of course, all from bed, but thanks to the power of technology I was able to work comfortably 🤟🤟🤟

Turning a negative into a positive is a good skill.

Eh eh yes, I don't always succeed but I'm trying to root this habit in me to make it one of my strengths 😉