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RE: Sandy and painty

in Weekend Experienceslast year

They should put recycling in the Olympics, Cuba would win gold!

I agree with what you say about human creativity and inventiveness, it's why humans have excelled above other species I guess, but can also be our downfall, after all, it was a human who can eup with consumerism and ways to promote it...and down that path lays a dim future.


As dark as the blackouts I've been suffering these last two days. I went to visit my mother, in the town 45 km from Havana. Of 24 hours, only 12 with electricity. And observing human behavior, some complain and others see a creative opportunity to face the dark hours.

We made shadow Theater with the children. Readings and dramatization of stories and poems. As soon as the electricity arrived, everyone went to their homes, turned on devices and lived in the solitude of technology. We need a balance....