Honsnooi, thank you for reading and your lovely comment. It's a pleasure to prompt a thought it two for you about your own place when you were a child. I think we should all work to become more understanding of how our younger self shaped who we are today. We had no woods close by when I was younger but had there been, I would have been in them. I am making up for it now though.
Thank you.
Yes, our lives as children can dictate how we interact with people for the rest of our lives. I know mine has. Plus the older I get the more I realize how lucky I was growing up where you could be gone all day and no one gave it two thoughts.
I hated shoes so hated stores.....every year after the last day of school I "lost" my shoes until school started once again.
sorry, I could go on and on.
I know what you mean about going on about it - That's because it has value and meaning, the moments and looking back at them. Sometimes I wish I could just jump into a time machine and go back...But that's not possible so I try to recreate the moments here and now. It mostly involves nature as that's where I feel more like myself.
I could not agree more!!
Damn it, just saw typos in my text.
Cannot...Resist changing...It...
Ahh, that's better. 😊
I fixed mine for you :D
I can now totally relax and feel content in my non-typoness. (Wouldn't have been a good night for me had you not fixed it ) 🤔😉
Your story brought up very old memories for me. Memories that are always there but buried a little deeper.
I wrote a story about it tonight. It felt good and right. Very draining too......
Thank you for that.
I guess this needs to be said......... this is a message just thanking you. nothing more. I forget so many people see things as 'money' when leaving comments.....and as I do not know you I do not know how you will take my comment above. and now this comment is longer than the important one...........