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RE: Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 167

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

Oh yeah, with chores it's ok for someone else to do it...anyone but me. :)

I don't mind doing it really though, I like to be tidy and present my house well and my girl and I do the chores together, or split them. I'm not great at bed-making though, however I try. (Pretty much just pull the covers up over the bed and hope that's good enough!) 😁


😂 It's not machismo or anything like that, it's just in the genes. 😂😂 My husband tries it too, but he gets something similar. Anyway, we women appreciate it (except when he does the laundry all together, be it white or coloured) 🙃

Lol...doing the coloured clothing and the whites is a trick we use to mess it up so badly that we don't get asked to do it again! 🤣

I'm just kidding. (or am I?)

Hahaha, could it be? He tells me that he's going to wash and I'm like: really? He's very willing and everything, but I'm like: "I'm going to wash" 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

Haha, you're smart...don't let him anywhere near your laundry...your whites will be blue, grey, pink and...anythign but white!