
This weekend I only use it to do activities with my nephew who has a special relationship with his pet.

I'm really sorry if this is the community's fault

This is a post about a chicken and what it means in a particular culture, not about a weekend event, activity or experience. I don't mind people posting here, I encourage it, but I won't allow it to become a free-for-all on content. Please read the POSTING GUIDE pinned at the top of the community feed to understand what is acceptable here.

Had this post been about a chicken who went to the beach for the weekend, had a barbeque and went surfing then it would have been acceptable.

I really appreciate the provisions of this community. I'm sorry and I'll make sure it won't happen again.

It's ok mate, I'm not mad, I just have to maintain consistency to be fair to all.

I have more and more respect for you. Justice is everything and for all.
My respect for your attitude to maintain that consistency. This is a very valuable lesson for me.
I also apologize to all members of this community.

Thank you, I think I am fair and equitable so I appreciate your comment and understanding.