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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 55: The gift

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

What a nice gift to receive, personalised and meaningful. Gift giving should always be about the thought of, and not the quantity, of the gift and I think she nailed it with this one. It doesn't matter that it's a little late, just that she cared enough to gift you in the first place.

Will you actually use it as a chopping board or keep it as a keepsake? Either way a great gift to receive.


 4 years ago  

Well I’ve been debating whether to use it or not and so far it’s sat on the counter. It could also be hung on the wall. I guess I’m leaning towards keeping it as kitchen art and I’ll cause damage on my old chopping boards.

She went to so much effort though! She got a super long voice note of thanks once I opened it 🤪

You're up late!

I like your kitchen art idea better than getting cut marks all over it. ✅

 4 years ago  

I’m processing the fact that I may need to write a retraction on my Weekend blog. The President just said we’re going to level 4 (ie higher) restrictions and no group gatherings indoor or outdoor are permitted. So the hike I was so pumped about might need to be postponed… although the mountains are open. You just can’t go in groups. Gonna have to hang tight til tomorrow for some clarity on the situation. Bummer!

It's fluid right? The same here. All the States have closed borders to the others and Sydney is locked down. I avoid the mainstream news so don't know the full extent right now.

Well, here's the thing with the hiking...You can always sit about the house and replay the movie reel of your hikes and re-live the feeling I guess. Not as good as the real thing, but a way to stay focused and positive. Maybe write a post about how you feel, the inability to hike and the enjoyment you get from hiking. Could be a good way to get perspective and to order your thoughts.

 4 years ago  

Yup! It’s all about perspective. My daughters Mozambik trip just got postponed as well. She was meant to leave on Friday so I guess we’re going to be baking for the next few weeks. Just when I thought I’d lost a KG. 😂

 4 years ago (edited) 

That's a bummer, I bet she's disappointed. Still, baking can be good. Well, for me it's more about someone else baking and me eating, but you know what I mean.

We all have to make the best of what we have. Attitude is the most important thing, keeping it in the right place. I know how important hiking is to you, as it's the same for me. These last few weeks of not being able to due to my operation sucked, but the anticipation of getting out again kept me going.

Bake and think about hiking. Maybe the balance between the two will help shed another kilo? (Not that you need to). Just be you, that's all a person can ask of themselves. I don't think it's viable to say one needs to remain positive, not long term anyway, because turning positivity on isn't always the easiest thing...But I think it's sustainable to seek the best possible attitude as often as possible. But what do I know, I'm a knucklehead.