See you there

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago


I've not got much planned this weekend preferring to see what comes along and go with the flow of it; I'll have coffee, take a nap in my hammock, listen to music, read my book and probably a couple other things that may eventuate, but there's no fixed plans.

I'm doing one of those things now, coffee at a cafe, which isn't as nice as I'd hoped to be's too noisy in here; but the view is good so it could be worse I suppose.

I stopped in on my way home from the gun range where I've been testing out a new handgun and holster rig which, in case you're interested, went really well. I talked some shit with a few others, let some sling some lead down range with my new acquisition (it's rare I let people use my firearms) I am at a noisy fucken cafe.

I've been looking forward to the weekend all week long, my first week back at work for 2025, and wasn't sure it'd ever get here - yep, it a long-ass week. I had intended to sleep in this morning but the need to test the firearm and holster rig was more important and I figured I could sleep when I'm dead like that legit song by Bon Jovi says. Anyway, now it's here I'm happy and will spend the rest of today and some of tomorrow relaxing.

Speaking of music, it's been a little while since I've shared what I've been listening to so thought I'd get involved with a new tag that popped up in this community called #saturdayselections based around sharing some music one has been listening to.

I've gone back through my Spotify account to see what I'd listened to over the week and below are three of them; like always you don't have to listen to them, or like them, but if you want to listen and comment you can do so of course.

DaughtryState of MineMichael Bublé

Hopefully your week went well and you've settled into 2025 well and quickly...we're almost two weeks in now so there's only 50 weeks to work on and achieve your goals. So, what are you up to this weekend? Oh, I think I'll be taking a walk on the beach later this evening, it's a warm 33°C today and the sunset is likely to be a good one...If you want to, I'll meet you at the start of the Semaphore jetty at 19:30. I'll see you there.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Over here a similar weekend, no special plans but open to surprises.

Even though it’s only the second weekend, I needed a calm weekend like this (I hope it stays that way). The temperature has dropped a bit here, so the best plan is to stay home with Netflix and ... accompanied by the lady boss. Oh, and post in the #weekend-engagement 😉

Cool photo btw, although there seem to be quite a few people for my taste 😅

If possible, could you share what you’re reading? Maybe I missed the post about it

Sounds like a good weekend. What are you watching on Netflix lately?

As for what I'm reading, sure can share it, I'll do a post tomorrow ok?

Have a good weekend.

La Palma is fictional, but I read that while they were filming, the real explosion in La Palma happened, and they had to delay the release because of the event.

I’ll wait for the book post; your literary recommendations only make my to-read list grow! 😅

It's doubtful you'll want to read the book I'm reading but take a look tomorrow when I do the post and see for yourself. All shall be revealed soon.

I watched this series a month ago. The idea is good, but as in all apocalyptic movies, there are a lot of illogicalities that have nothing to do with situations that would actually happen (kids survive drowning in a sunken plane, escape by boat from a huge wave in 2 seconds, continue vacation and swimming in the pool when behind the hill falls plane or after a volcanic eruption...).

Oooooh. I'd love to take a stroll along the Semaphore Jetty. It looks lovely! Not totally sure I'd get there in time though :P

Well, to further entice you...there might just be some ice creams afterwards...Motivating enough?

Hehe. Love it. If I could get some gluten free, dairy free icecream then I just might be tempted :P
What do you think @new.things? Time for a trip to SA? Haha.

I reckon they have gluten free, dairy free and so on...what's not free is buying in the first place though.

Haha. Clever-funny. Thanks for making me smile :P

Long-ass first week huh?

I go back on Monday... I fear it will be the same for me...

The fucken thing went for months five days but it felt like months. Typical though, the first week back is normally shit one way or the other.

Good luck Monday... hopefully it goes by quickly for you.

Thanks. I am not looking forward to dealing with the one boss... he made a mess up in the last project and has probably thought of a way to pin it on me.

I will just keep myself super busy...

Yeah, the people we work with can make or break the situation huh?

Indeed. I have been at this company, loyally working my ass off for 11 years. This man is the only person that makes me question whether or not I have a future at this company.

 3 months ago (edited) 

That can tough it out for so long and then decisions need to made I guess.

Yeah I am going to tough it out for as long as possible. I would even try to fix the situation.

But I also need to look beyond that. If it cannot be fixed, I still have children to raise and a household to look after.

Hi Galen, Now the one in front of the café while you are on the beach is me. Yes, 2026 is not far away, and from what you say it has started well for you. I'm taking note of the Saturday music initiative.

Best regards

 3 months ago (edited) 

It's getting down to Saturday evening, still hot, and I'm going to head to the beach's one of those evenings I things the sunset will be amazing. A nice way to end a relaxing Saturday with a walk at the beach huh?

I hope you have a good weekend.

I have no doubt that it's a great way to end a Saturday. Enjoy it. And thanks.

Catching up with friends and watch a movie this weekend. A very busy week in school and we need to relax for a while. 😊

That sounds like a good plan for the weekend, enjoy!

Thank you so much.

My weekend... well, something different from normal, things around the house, taking care of my mother and maybe some very small outings. Relaxing a bit would be nice, the year started with a lot of things. I have 50 weeks left... very good!

Of the three songs, the second one is a very good version of the traditional one and I love the third one!

It's 18 degrees here, it's nice and sunny. I'm going to make some mate! And I'll send you one!

 3 months ago (edited) 

It was almost doubly that temperature here, still quite warm now even though it's almost 10pm.

Hopefully you have a good Saturday.

Quite hot... but a walk on the beach helps a lot. Thank you very much Galen, have a good rest.

Over here it has been pouring for the past 2 days, and the temperatures dipped a low of 21 degrees Celsius, which is slightly unusual for us given that it's summer all year round. It's hard to get to anywhere outdoors without getting one's feet and shoes all wet but on the positive side of things, everyone's enjoying the "complimentary AC". Lol!

I don't think I'd like summer all year round, I like the four seasons which we get here.

This weekend I have an action around our bedroom, find the team that should take away/buy the old double bed and wait for the team that should deliver/install the new double bed. after they set up the bed, returning everything to its original state, returning the carpets, doors, shelves...

I would also like you to enjoy the view of the ocean on this long jetty. But I'm not coming today, you're too far + 10 hours time difference 🙂

 2 months ago (edited) 

Sorry, missed this comment. My apologies.

It happens to the best 🙂

You were probably on the pier at the moment I wrote it and enjoying the sunset over the ocean, so it's no wonder why you missed it 😀

For me that's a great weekend, coffee, hammock, music and reading. Sometimes life is good with simple things.

I like the idea of sleeping when I'm dead but to tell you the truth I love sleeping while I'm alive, besides I don't know if when I die I can really sleep, who knows if our spirit is an eternal slave, I hope not 😒

On the other hand, I would have loved to be at the Semaphore pier the day and time you indicated 😉

And what am I going to do this weekend?

Well, right now I'm preparing a chicken soup, I don't know why soup provokes me so much more during the weekends.

Haha, yep I love sleeping too, one of my favourite things.

Soup huh? I like soup a lot and chicken soup especially although it's far too hot here for soup at the moment, I'll stick to salads.

My wife and I spent the day today at basketball games for my niece and nephews. It was a good time spent with my in-laws. I'm glad to hear that your new holster is working well. I'm assuming it is the one you just had delivered from the US? My wife loves Daughtry. We got to see him open for Bon Jovi quite some time ago. It was an amazing show!

Yep, the very same although I had to get a duty drop offset to move it lower down for easier/faster draw. I might do a post eventually.

I saw Daughty live at one of the Singapore F1 Grand Prix events and really enjoyed it, that's what got me into it.

Lastly, I like how you spend time with your niece and nephews, they grow up so fast and it's nice for all to be present for them.

We are lucky that the closest one is only about four hours away. I know yours are spread across a greater distance. My wife and I decided a while ago that we would rather spend our money on experiences with them versus things for them. I remember Daughtry put on a great show. I need to see if they have put any new material out lately.

Am already in the kitchen doing my cooking, this time around the light is steady I cook and store in the refrigerator and latter in the evening I will be getting things ready for church tomorrow thanks

Hot in the kitchen sometimes.