The weekend pact

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

Once upon a time, there was a long weekend. It wasn't quite long enough...they never really are...but it was longer than usual.

At the beginning of that long weekend there were two people, a G-dog and his girl-person, and they decided that over that long weekend there would be no working around the house, no cleaning, washing, sweeping, tidying...not a scrap of it...No chores at all. Instead, they decided to have a weekend of doing whatever they wanted to do, whenever they wanted to do it and sealed a pact to make it official.

There was take-out food; cooking was well off the agenda on this long weekend also. There were late nights watching movies. There was games like strip-Jenga, strip-Twister, strip-Chess...Ok, there actually wasn't any strip-games at all...but there were games and reading, listening to music, time spent at the beach and long drives in the countryside.

It wasn't quite a fairy tale but it certainly was a fucken great weekend.


The weekend I'm referring to was the last one, a public holiday held because a horse race called the Adelaide Cup. It was a long weekend I really needed to have, and so the pact was made.

No chores, no being responsible adults and no letting a single moment go by unenjoyed.

I'm going to do a couple posts about it over the next couple weeks but tonight wanted to share one element of it which was a really nice drive to Port Broughton for a walk around, picnic and some fresh air.


We're easily pleased - simple people - so a drive in the Big Dog, my 4x4, and a picnic lunch with an excellent view usually does the trick. When we arrived in Port Broughton around mid-morning the day was pretty nice with a temperature of around 22°C and a light breeze and as you can see it looked pretty nice. The day stretched ahead of us and with no plans except to honour our pact my girl-human and I got stuck in.

There's not much to the little coastal town, a small place supported by crop-farming and fishing, but it's popular at holiday times so there were a few people around, but not enough to get in my way...fortunately for them.

We wandered about, checked out a few antique shops that were open, strolled along the jetty and chatted with some of the anglers fishing there and then found a spot for our picnic. The image above was taken from that picnic spot although we were sitting in the shade; Australia's sun is harsh and getting sunburned isn't fun.


On the way home we went well out of our way to go to Wallaroo and Moonta to see what was going on, grabbed some more photos and an afternoon coffee then headed home after what was a totally relaxing day...which we both needed.

We drove for 420 kilometres over the day, out and back home, which seems like a long way to go for a picnic, but the enjoyment wasn't just one aspect of that day, it was everything combined. The drive, scenery, tunes we sang along to, the picnic (I make a legit fucken picnic spread you know), sea air, blue skies, lapping all made for a really great, unstructured, day and aligned with our no chores, no being responsible adults and no letting a single moment go by unenjoyed, agreement.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Every image in this post is my own.


Long weekends - mmmhmm - so nice. Even nicer to spend them with someone special and a successfully executed plan to have - no plan. Sounds just about perfect. I said many times that short trips, day or weekend, oftentimes are better than long vacations. Probably has to do with expectations.

I must have been away for too long - the G-Dog-girl-person? I have seen a lady appear in a couple of your photos. Properly blurred, of course, or portraying her beautiful backside - hahahaha - and naturally I wondered... I am happy for you.

I love me a good old fashioned long weekend; they're a refuge from work and my job tends to be quite relentless so...long weekends and needed. I have five days off over Easter and am looking forward to it! Again, no plans yet, I'll play it as it comes.

Oh yeah, even the old G-dog has a girl person. Amazing huh, someone like me who is not getting any prettier, manages to attract a girl-person. She must be bonkers.

I don't remember the last time that I had a carefree day.

One must schedule them in like any other appointment; it's important to find some balance, to recentre and recharge. It's only through doing so one can operate at one's optimal level.

That's indeed the best way to go. I'm still trying to sort things out on my end, so that has to be on another day.

I hope you find the day to do it...and then another one and another after that until the end of your life. You'll look back on them (and life) and be grateful.

I laughed a little when you said "until the end of your life" ...just a little. Haha

Well, it's certainly going to happen...Death. Knowing this motivates me to love a better life while I can.

Ah g-dog don't wish your life away so fast. Soon everyday will be a weekend and you'll miss the annoying work meetings, busy schedules and things to do. All that boring stuff makes weekends so much better

Fuck work man, way better things to do than that.

Oh there is, like sleep 😴

That's a good one for sure!

so beautiful nature there I really enjoyed it and I was very happy to see the scenery in your post and I was so happy to read it too thank you for sharing I hope

I'm glad you liked my photos and text, I appreciate you letting me know, and taking the time to read my post in the first instance.

Excellent Galen those weekends brighten up our lives as a couple they invite us to seal the union with commitment, respect, and go to the simple, essential and most useful to live life without worrying about a great long weekend next to your Mrs and the beautiful nature that surrounds them.

Thank you for those beauties that you share with us from your city, they are wonderful postcards.

It sure was a great day, the whole weekend was pretty awesome actually. That was the plan, and the plan came into being. 😊

Sounds like a good pact.
Happy to read you had a great day!

The best sort of pact!

It was a pretty legit day, and weekend in general and not even going back to work today could ruin the awesome feeling it left me with.

Nice Waters. Having a boat there would be awesome

Yep, so many have boats here. Australia has a lifestyle that generally revolves around being on or in the water.

That's why Australia has the best surfers!!

Indeed. All except me. I surf very badly. 🤣

That sounds like a need damn perfect weekend to me. No responsibilities, ah I look forward to that one day. a whole weekend of it, well that would be bliss.
Nice picnic spot as well, I totally get the enjoyment to be had when you are travelling somewhere xxxx

It's rare for me to let my responsibilities lapse, even for a few days, but sometimes I need to recharge...and those responsibilities are always there to deal with after. I deal with them better too.

That sounds like a fun weekend pact and it also looks like a beautiful place to have had a picnic.

The picnic was pretty of the * G-dog specials!* I'm at ninja level with my picnic preparations. 😁

Guess G-dog, girl-person had fun riding in the Big Dog 4x4. Cheers to more weekends.

Many more...all interspersed with work...but that's ok, the weekend past keeps me going and the weekend to come gives me something to look forward to.

From time to time, it is very good to let yourself go with your inner child and not be an adult. Enjoy nature, the simple things in life, like a coffee or a walk on the beach.

I love the pictures and the relaxation I get from this wonderful story. Very beautiful.

Thank you @galenkp ❤️

It was a splendid time; the whole weekend really. And yes, not adulting all the time is a good thing.

Sometimes you have to take your time and get back in touch with the essence of things. Thanks to you❤️

Day trips! Day trips are the things legends and stories are made of, in addition to being one of the best ways to spend... well... to spend a day! They are certainly a cure for many ails.

It went a long way towards healing some wounds you know? I know you know.

I love me a day trip and this one was a pretty decent one that I hope to replicate soon.

Must have felt refreshing to be able to escape adult responsibilities, even for a small while.
It's a blessing that you have someone to do this with too.

From your weekend, I can tell that it doesn't take much to be happy.
Thank you for sharing your nice weekend experience with us.

I'm lucky to live in a beautiful place, Australia, and to have the means and volition to get out and about. It makes me happy.

Can we really talk about the beauty of nature without mentioning the water bodies, the clouds and the green grasses? Maybe not.
A weekend spent on beach 🏖️ I desire.

There's something so soothing and healing about the ocean, and water bodies in general I think. Nature certainly does provide the best entertainment.

This is called the weekend longed for by all. It is great to be able to clear the mind of all the tasks we do every day, it is the best way to recharge the necessary energy. The bad thing is that afterwards we do not want to resume the routine 😥 . Greetings, a hug

Yeah, that's always a problem...going back to work. The thing is one still has the memory of the weekend to help motivate and to get to the next weekend we have to go through the working week so it's unavoidable.

Ah well and with a view like the image you presented even more so!

Trust me, sitting in that spot, a picnic laid out before me and that was pretty easy to let the mind drift off.

This weekend I sent you a picture of what I was doing but then deleted it

You mean in your post in the weekend-engagement concept?

No. I was referring to an Image I shared with you via comments, in your post of weekend experiences. In response to what you had said about enjoying it because time doesn't come back 😅.

Oh ok, my mistake.

The image was of me, with a bottle of whiskey 🙊 but I removed it, lest it be considered inappropriate 🤔.

beautiful photos, the view of the boat, the water is so quiet.
great pictures taken.
a pleasant walk on weekends

Thank you, I generally just point and click and occasionally one or two of the photos turn out ok. 😊

Looks like an amazing day for a picnic. Worth all the driving tho. And that feeling when yo are energized is simply priceles.

It's a great feeling. Even now, a few days later, I'm still feeling good...but maybe that's because I'm closer to the next weekend!

Looks like a great trip!! Except maybe the games hehehe!

Well, strip-games played with the right person can be rewarding you know. But, alas, there were no strip games. That doesn't mean there wasn't stripping though.

Ahh! Hehe! ;)

A little G-cation, eh? The whole thing sounds lovely.

My wife is coming in a few weeks, it's been almost 3 months since I last saw her. So, for now I'm planning something special for the both of us, we'll be together throughout the month of Ramadan, till Eid. Hopefully I come up with some bright ideas by then.

Lolled at G-cation!

I bet you're looking forward to seeing her. It'll be such a great time and I'm sure you'll come up with some cool things to do together.

I bet you're looking forward to seeing her

Surely am, it's been a while. We barely even get the time to talk or chat nowadays.

It'll be such a great time and I'm sure you'll come up with some cool things to do together.

Just got off the phone with her, a little video call after a while. We have something in mind for now, and that makes my job a lot easier lol. She knows I don't like to play the guessing game, so most of the time she's fairly straight forward and doesn't mind throwing a few hints at me.

Hints always keep us fellas on the right track huh? It leaves less margin for error and more chance of staying out of trouble for having done the wrong thing. 🤣

Oh, trust me, if it weren't for their hints, some of us guys would be absolutely clueless most of the time. 😂

Last month I almost forgot about valentines day, not that she cares too much, but still, a bit of effort should be present on such occasions. I actually found out about Valentines day when she said she was gonna get me a gift, so she ended up asking directly, and then I remembered what was up. 💀

Mostly clueless, for sure.

We forget things at our peril, but the fear of the wrath of the ladies never seems enough because we still forget things!

but the fear of the wrath of the ladies never seems enough because we still forget things!

And sadly, we'll keep on forgetting, but hopefully the ladies will forgive us once more lol.


Nature is natural created by God. The river look so beautiful

The ocean certainly looked good that day indeed.

No chores, no being responsible adults and no letting a single moment go by unenjoyed.

If you followed this strictly without compromising then you had a freaking amazing weekend.

Oh yeah, indeed it was!

Amazing then

[All original and proudly AI free]

I can't help but comment on this now that ChatGPT is all I am seeing on YouTube. It's everywhere. I just looked at what it's all about one time, and I didn't know that it's famous to a lot of users of the internet.

The photographs feels amazing... I don't any such weekend in the recent past...I wish I also get to spend such a weekend with ky loved ones soon❤️

I hope you manage to have a weekend like this.

 2 years ago (edited) 

It was indeed enjoyable and I'll be doing it again. And again. And...well, you get the idea.