[WE102] Weekend-Engagement concept

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

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Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality.

- Erich Fromm -

We all use products throughout our lives and in this world of excess there's no shortage of them. For week one hundred and two of my #weekend-engagement concept I thought I'd find out more about those you use or have used.

If you're looking for something to write about over the weekend take a look below for the options and if you feel like doing a post use my community, THE WEEKEND. Follow the rules below.

Follow these points to be eligible for prizes

  • Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag of your post
  • Post in THE WEEKEND community (do not cross-post)
  • Follow community rules
  • ENGLISH only (not bilingual)
  • Closes 08:30 UTC Monday 23rd May (google it)
  • Don't plagiarise and ensure you link-credit photos

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Select one or more from below to write about

Please be mindful that product images from the internet may have copywrite over them and unless they are from a free image site they are not free to use.

The lost product

Has there been a product you simply loved, a favourite, but can no longer get it? Tell us what is was, why you liked it and how you feel about losing it. Also explain how you've worked around the loss.

Your product invention

What product or item have you wanted to invent? It doesn't matter how weird it may be, tell us what it is, what it does and why you want it. Here's your chance to be an inventor, and have some fun.

The changed product

Tell us about a product, food, item or service you really used to love but has now changed so much that you don't like it as much or at all. Explain why and what you replaced it with.

Products in or on your bedside table

Tell us about the products in or on your bedside table. Explain why they are there, what you use them for, how they work, their benefits or practical applications. You can be explicit or vague.

These topics are a collaboration of thought between @andrastia and myself - I'll be honest though, I came up with the last one so don't blame her for that.

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Curation may happen on quality original content so proof read, use in-focus and interesting pictures and take pride in your post. Your posts are a representation and showcase of you - Give people a reason to visit your feed.

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Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

If you'd like to sponsor a week of #weekend-engagement please feel free to transfer your sponsorship to my Hive wallet with the memo: weekend-engagement sponsorship.

Any images in this post are my own and are not for your use


Really? And here I'm thinking @andrastia is all over number four - or maybe she'll just do the best fourth option post? Meanwhile back at the ranch I decided on option four because it would be a hilarious and full disclosure of my husband's man drawer. Now that I've perused your comments I realized that spent rifle cartridges, 50 year old cell phones, a Cadbury's wrapper, an antique harmonica and my missing leatherman are not too exciting. So then I thought I'd go with an amazing invention but @galenkp has already done that with his bonkonometer ... whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich if you mentioned was sitting on your bedside table could serve an entirely different purpose to the one it was invented for. Hmmmmmm?


👆 was very nearly me all over my laptop reading this @buckaroobaby
I agree it will be hilarious. And BONUS you found your missing leatherman 😃

Bonkonometer? I'm not going to ask 🤣

Bonk I am not sure if that means the same over there as it does here🤣

And that is EXACTLY why I wrote that @tengolotodo. I have enough English blood to get that first part of the word. It was NOT the intention of the original invention of the bonkonometer HOWEVER knowing the heritage of some Aussies, I somehow suspect that it was an intentional play of words by the Galent inventor

hehe I am sure there was an intentional play on words in there:)

Ditto! Nearly spat my rooibos all over the laptop when I opened up your comment! I will leave the explanation of the bonkonometer to Galen. Let's see if his explanation is accurate. Perhaps leave the hot drink far away from the laptop....

As for the missing leatherman. You know for some of us it's a girl's best friend. Apparently it is also superior to the husband's leatherman although he still holds to his innocence pertaining to it's mysterious disappearance into the MAN draw

Really? And here I'm thinking @andrastia is all over number four - or maybe she'll just do the best fourth option post?

I had the same thought.

The rest of your comment...You crack me up sometimes. I hope you'll choose one so the crack widens.

Lol now that I know the potential uses for the bonkonometer, I don't think I would be able to top that ever. That word needs to be put into the urban dictionary.

All bonkers people like me require a bonkonometer to make sure we're operating at peak efficiency.


This is a great invention. I would totally buy one.



I wonder what you'll measure wit your bonkonometer....😉

I know exactly what I would measure with my bonkonometer - and one of two things would happen:

it would probably never make it onto the blockchain
it would probably never make it onto the blockchain


Products in or on your bedside table

This sounds like an interesting one. I wonder how many people will reveal their bed side habits 😉

I Have a bet with @andrastia on this one. I think we're both happy to lose provided someone (or some people) provide something to laugh at.

... are we maybe going to regret this bet ? 🤣


I am definitely opening my bedside drawer this week! @andrastia @galenkp - be mindful, if you ask, you shall receive.

Lol, good! I was hoping a few brave souls would do so!

Tee hee, I wasn't so sure about that question but Galen decided he was gonna keep it and so we will either laugh (or cry) at the responses 🤣

I'm gonna rummage through my bedside table the community feed now to see if anyone has revealed any saucy secrets

Bed side talbe! OMG dear you saved my weekend !LOL
I read beside table and was thinking hmmmmm whats this? A second little table besides the main table? :-D
Thank you

Some jerk threw a bottle of omega 3 pills at me.
Luckily my injuries were only super fish oil.

Credit: reddit
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OK - The moment of exposing is here. Fancy a look inside my bedside?

And - I forgot to tell you, I didn't end up on a jury! I got an email at 3.30pm the day before, 'Don't bother coming to court, there's no case for you'. I thought that wasn't a bad outcome!

I am heading over to delve into the fantasmical world of your bedside table. And yep, you dodged a bullet with the jury. Nice work.

Whoo hoo! This one is going to be fun. I can't wait to read the entries.

Good luck to everyone taking part and don't forget to enjoy the process. Have a super duperlicious weekend y'all! 🤠

How many option four authors do you think there'll be? 🤣

Hmm should we take a wager? I reckon there will be four. And you?

I'll be you five hive we only get two.

Also, I'm hoping we get some good product invention entries also. I'm in the mood for some funny or interesting ones this week.

Ok, let's see who wins 😀

I have a few funny invention ideas although they would probably be frowned upon by society in general.

would probably be frowned upon by society in general.

Probably my sort of inventions I'd say. 😄

The buzz on Hive

Lol...Indeed. 😂


Mom are we pyromaniacs?
Yes we arson.

Credit: reddit
@galenkp, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @mineopoly
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ.
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

These are some pretty interesting topics. Would love to participate 🤩

It would be a pleasure to see your entry if you have time and the inclination.

For this, I will :)

hey JW I am looking forward to seeing what is in your bedside table 🤣 I am nosey huh

Hey T!!
Bold of your to think that's the topic I’d choose. How can you be nosey and still pick a topic for me, I can’t win here 😂😆

hehe JW you can choose whatever topic you like, I will still be nosey!

Noted T :)

oh dear me JW, I chuckle everytime I see that T 🤣

Hahahahaha Same way I feel about JW but there’s no backing out now is there 😂

Wow interesting, there is a topic I will love to write about there. I am happy to see it, will surely participate 😊👍


Look forward to seeing it

Oh now this is a brilliant concept. I wonder what inventions people will dream up!

Hopefully someone comes up with an anti-spam-reblog device.

Now that would be cool.

It's probably too much to hope for, probably more chance of a time machine being invented.

Well with the Time concept last weekend being in the heads of people, I am pretty sure someone will invent a time machine for this weekend.

Let's see. Time will tell. 🙂

Hehe oh yes Time will tell!

Lol, well now they don't have to because you did 🤣

If only.

haha he did!

Woooww can wait to see the entries on inventions, this will be fun.

Inventions will be cool I think!

Do jeans count as a ”product” because oh boy so I have something to vent about 😂

Of course they do Eve, I'd love to hear the story!

Yep, jeans are a product Eve, for sure.

Products lost were those able to be repaired, worked on, give lifetime service, non disposable as happens in the world today.

Inventing dishes to serve for dinners always a once in a lifetime, never keep recipes or photograph, enjoy to eat different, spice of life!

Having a human answer a phone, these automated machines would be first to go!

Bedside table two glasses one with water the other half honey, few drops borsdruppels (quorice extract, fennel oil and aniseed oil), top up fresh lemon mixed, for first thing in the morning routine. First glass of water glugged down followed by sip of my muti, best kick start, refreshing and soothing.

Cool, wrap it all up in a post and you're good to go.

Sorry not posting much, floods caused havoc with life as has lack of electricity...

Planning a week away next Friday, will take awhile before back into stride of things, all on African Time 😅 Stay well...

No worries. I hope it works out.

Really hope we can get where we going, really need a break away!

Take care!


Holding thumbs that it happens.

Me too...., mental release top requirement!

what may I ask is muti?

A concoction of mixed ingredients normally natural not chemical.

**Buen día! **
Productos sobre tu mesita de noche, ay dios mio! Esto suena interesante. Sera que diran la verdad verdad de lo que hay en esas mesitas. jejejej

I'm sorry, I don't read or write Spanish. My apology.

Good morning
Sorry I completely forgot. my comment is:
Products on your bedside table, oh my god! This sounds interesting. I wonder if they will tell the truth about what's on those nightstands. hehehehehej

No worries, and yeah I'm not sure how much truth there will be. Could be fun though. Let's see what happens.

Let's get to work. Thinking about which option to choose. !

Be interesting to see your choice 😄


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I like the choices, getting more and more interesting 😉. May I mention product brands?

Hi Lis, yes of course if you want to go for it.

Perfect, thank you.
prepare my input 😍

I wonder what they will be!


Jaja cat gifs always make me laugh 😂

You may mention product brands. Just be mindful of any images you use.

Interesting topics... I'm participating this time

Cool, I saw it.

Nice one again! Defo going to write an entry :)


Woa, did not know about this. Can try it out when I have the time. Just nice is the start of the weekend.

When you have the time you can try it out.

Okay, now this should be interesting... Hmm...

Tell us about a product, food, item or service you really used to love but has now changed so much that you don't like it as much or at all

This isn't a challenge, this is my life. Ha! I'm pretty sure i've run some places out of business just because of my obnoxious rants and complaints over their inadequate products.

You, obnoxious rant? Really? I never would have guessed it.

Oh hardi ha hah...

It's a living.

You know I was just joking right?

LoL, yeah I did. Hence, the awkward pirate style laugh.

Also, there was a fair amount of truth in your statement so i'll take it as a compliment😌

Yeah man, might as well own it.

Greetings Galen I'm laughing my head off looking at my nightstands OMG and what a bunch of safety pins I have besides a book there areyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy little things (laughs)

Working on it . Lol, Tomorrow Caribbean night I will be posting to you. a big hug @galenkp

Safety pins? Come on, you can do better than that. 😜

Lolllllll so I will @galenkp

Good Saturday for that side of the world ...

Hugs to you and Cleo and a Meow from Molly.

Happy weekend to you and Molly, may it be a good one!

Oh yeah here are great topics lined up for the weekend 🤩 one must think carefully to be able to pen down something🤗🤗

Thanks for the privilege

 2 years ago (edited) 

Hello there, I think you may have not read the guidelines; entry posts must be posted within THE WEEKEND community.

on the contrary i read the guidelines very carefully and did as instructed
"Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag of your post"
when i did that it was prevented as being posted in THE WEEKEND

On the contrary:


ok i deleted the original post and reposted in THE WEEKEND.. the confusion for me is in the meaning of the first tag. when i post in the THE WEEKEND then that is the first tag the weekend-engagement is the second. i guess i just misunderstand. anyway i hope everything is proper now

I saw it. ✅

Hello my loves here I present my participation, honestly I everything I buy or bring when I go out, I'm placing in the poor nightstand until I turn it into a mess hahaha.


These questions look really interesting. I was reading one of your bedside table.

Every single thing they keep in them.

I'll see if I can come up with something and if I have time, participate.

What do you mean by (google it)

Google what UTC means in your location as far as time.

Oh I loved this one! I got to be an inventor for once! Here is my post: https://ecency.com/hive-168869/@plint/the-invention-to-end-my

Already saw some really nice posts here, I will keep looking around for more fun ones!

Thank you.

Also, check your translator; it's gotten the translation a little mixed up.



Liked the prompts for this weekend, @galenkp. Although I'm a little bit tired for many things, I found strength to write something for today. Greetings.
My entry: https://hive.blog/hive-168869/@itsjunevelasquez/my-bedside-table-has-the-necessary-we102-weekend-engagement-concept


Products in or on your bedside table

That topic could get embarrassing. I can't wait to see the stories from this prompt.

I hope it gets embarrassing. That will give me a laugh.