A friend of mine found $250 on the street last week and, after hearing the story of what he did with the money, I decided to do a topic on it...I added some more topics based around the number 250 because I can and thought it would be fun.
If you're looking for something to write about over the weekend take a look below for the post topic prompts and if you feel like doing a post use my community, THE WEEKEND. Follow the rules below to be eligible for prizes on Monday.
Guidelines you must follow to be eligible for prizes
✅ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag of your post
✅ Post in THE WEEKEND community (do not cross-post)
✅ Follow the rules of the community
✅ Contest closes 07:30 UTC Monday 28th March (google UTC)
❌ Do your own work, don't plagiarise and link-credit photos

The topics
1️⃣ 250 minutes
You have only 250 minutes to live, (4.1 hours) and have the chance to speak to three people. Who do you call or see and why? What do you say and how do you feel the conversations would end?
2️⃣ Found $250
You find $250 in cash on the sidewalk. There's no one close by to claim it, so you bend over and pick it up. What do you do next? Hand it to the authorities or pocket it? If you decide to keep it what do you do with the money, how do you spend it, and why? If you decide to hand it in to the authorities what's behind that decision?
3️⃣ 250 years
Explain what you believe our world and society may be like in 250 years from today. How has humanity progressed or regressed, what's the financial situation, how has the environment coped or changed with the passing of 250 years and what technologies have we gained or lost. Is humanity better off now or then? Explain your answer. You can write a fiction if you like, or give us your personal views.
Curation may happen on quality original content so proof read, use in-focus and interesting pictures and take pride in your post. Your posts are a representation and showcase of you - Give people a reason to visit your feed.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Images are owned by @galenkp
Listo ya voy a montarme en esa iniciativa de verdad una no muy comun pero exelentes las preguntas, le voy a traer una historia real que me paso con esto de conseguir cosas en la calle. en unas horas se las paso. Saludos a todos y animense a participar.
I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish.
I am going to bring you a true story that happened to me when I was trying to get things on the street. I will share it with you in a few hours. Greetings to all of you and encourage you to participate. sorry
Oh yeah, that's great, I appreciate you joining in.
I love how you think and how those creative juices flow hahaha. Right on this.
The cogs in my noggin turn, gears grind, smoke comes out of my ears and...I manage to think up a topic or two. I guess I just get lucky sometimes.
😂😂🤣😂 luck? That's the stuff for genius, the things you do and think up. You are sensitive too which makes you pick things easily.
I'm many things it seems huh?
Absolutely, sir hahaha.
This would be my first time making an entry here ...I’d write about 250 minutes!
Happy weekend guys🤸🏽
That's great, I'll look for it.
Another amazing weekend prompt topic. Getting ready with my entry.
Happy weekend friends!
Happy weekend to you too! 😊
Sounds interesting! I am going to put in my entry soon.
That's great. There's no rush as you have all weekend. I'll look out for it though.
Have a good weekend.
Wow. Quite exciting topics for the weekend. I'd start collecting data as these topics.
I'm not sure what you mean by collecting data, but nonetheless, I hope you have a good weekend.
I am ready for this weekend time, I have got the balls and I am ready to catch 🥰
Happy weekend to everyone, stay safe🥰
Excellent. Have a good weekend.
Thank you...🥰
Nice but tempting ideas. I will not keep the money if I found that because I know how the owner will feel if he got his money back. However, I will pick another category which I always thought I'll do. Some people might find my idea funny but I certainly feel that way so...there.
I'll look out for your post. Have a good weekend.
I found a hundred dollar bill folded up into a semi broken rectangle on the ground at a bar and restaurant called World of Beer. I was having a good time after some tactical training earlier that day, surrounded by friends and stepped outside to talk to my buddy Josh, when I looked a few tables over and saw what looked to be a paper.
As I walked up I kept saying to myself on the surface its nothing, but deep down I knew it was a $100 bill. When I picked it up and unfolded it there it was.
What a fortuitous moment for you, and a pity for the one who dropped it. I hope you put it to good use.
Nice, i guess it became more beer or party time XD ?
Wow this is intressting
As is your comment.
@galenkp All three are very good ideas, there is a possibility of getting very good entries. This weekend is going to be the best. Congratulations in advance. This time I will work with full concentration. There is a true incident in my memory.
No worries.
Here is my entry:
I see it.
Three interesting topics wow 🤩 alright let me bounce on one ☝️
Bounce on.
Hello? @galenkp I got a big smile when I read about the 250 years🤔😁. Why, If I could end my life today, I want it soon than to be in a 250 years. Thinking of the pain at 50's, now I am 52 I already have many kind of pain.and changes. I will if what could I share about the topic . Thank you
This post was interesting and amazing. Have a nice weekend
Your comment is also.
I have never participated on the weekend, now i feel compelled to do so, Nice topics bro, i am IN XD this one got me hook
Cool, please follow the guidelines for eligibility.
It's me xD as a moderator on other communities I have an obsession with guidelines and rules :P and as a functional autistic I'm kind of socially uncomfortable :P
Anyway i will do my best, btw you never did another contest on the silver bloggers?
I understand. It's a safe place though, and I don't tolerate abuse in my community so if you feel inclined, please join in.
They haven't asked me to.
Oh, if someone ask, you help?
I hope it is, im cooking up something, can i use all 3 props? It would be interesting
That contest I did there was one I offered to do and I have done them in other communities also. I think it's nice for a community to find the motivation to get proactive though, so leave it up to them to ask.
Your post, your choice. All I ask is that people follow my guidelines, as you said you would certainly do.
Torn between number 1 and 2 🤔
Choices huh? Good luck deciding.
Ah that’s a lucky friend! Hope he bought crypto with it lol
Boy, thinking of the world in 250 years is wild. How atrocious will it get?! I can only imagine lol would be cool to have some Star Wars type stuff going on with flying to all kinds of other planets!
Good question. In 50 years it'll be bad enough so maybe in 250 there's no one left.
I love these topics for this weekend-engagement. 😍
Thanks for saying so; I try to keep them interesting.
LoL with the way Elon Musk is progressing with Space X, I think it's safe to assume that we might all end up in Mars come 250 years from now :)
These topics are actually REALLY intriguing. I am torn between Options 1 and 3. Regardless, we'll see how it will go.
Hmm maybe. Not me though, I'll be dead.
I like this week's topics and look forward to seeing some of the entries.
Haha. All of us here will be dead for sure but it's still fun to think with the way the world is developing.
You chosen a topic yet. I'm looking forward to your post. You have set the expectations up high with your previous efforts.
Yes I have actually but I'll probably write it on the morrow. I was a bit too busy today to really write anything but, I'll make sure I write it soon.
Me not High-key feeling the pressure now :)
I'm sure it'll be good.
Me gusta estas preguntas. Voy a responder una de ellas. Saludos comunidad. Saludo amigo al @galenkp.
Hmm, sorry I don't speak Spanish but, I think amigo means friend right?
Yes, brother, the word friend refers to friend - greetings, I will prepare my entry.
Excellent, I'll look out for it.
Seeing this will make me go for the $250
I wouldn't have missed this for anything in the world. Phew. 😍
No, I'd imagine not.
Yes sir
And we are live! I have to think carefully on what to write. The topics are a bit tricky but I'll be brutally honest with whichever I decide to go for.
Sounds good.
so it's a matter of 250 😁
It's a another weekend
It's my pleasure to join in the weekend engagement
An awesome set of prompts for this week. I wonder if there will be 250 posts 😲
Lol, that may break the internet.
haha well you never know, stranger things have happened
It could probably do with some breaking too
Aye that is very true!
Love how you always come up with all these interesting topics and you also give us more than one option to choose from.
I try to keep it interesting.
I can't decide on the topic to choose yet🤔. All of them are exciting.
I'm sure you'll work something out.
Those topics are great,I’ll love to make an entry for mine also
Have a good weekend.
Very interesting topics again. I hope I find the time to write a blog about one of the topics. Although I have to admit, you made it not easy this week!
I'm sharing this on #listnerds because I think it deserves more people to join.
If you find the time then do so, however don't put pressure on yourself. Have a good weekend.
Wow what a set of prompts you’ve come up with there. Will be interesting to see what people come up with!
It will indeed.
Morning Mate;
Ok - so as it turns out, the idea for a piece I had yesty ended up completely trashed. Went down a bit of a darker route to match to weather! I hope in your curation post in a few days, you'll let us in on the other half of the story, would love to know what your friend did with the coin he found.
Hmm, I hate it when that happens and have had it occur to me many times. Sometimes posts just take a path and it's not always a good one.
I'll do a post on the $250 I think.
250 years ;-) sounds like a good topic for me dont you think? Lets see what comes to my mind.
Have a great shiny wonderful weekend!
I hope you also have a great weekend, I'll see you around I'm sure.
Hi @galenkp is it a problem for me to participate this week if I participated in last week's? Would that make me ineligible?
No, not at all. People generally participate every week. Just follow the guidelines.
Very interesting topics. Time to get my creative juices flowing.
Let it flow.
And so it will flow
I love the topics today 😁.. I'll gonna think for it
Very interesting story and topics it has generated. Will put in my perspective on one of the topics, meanwhile wishing everyone a great weekend.
Happy weekend to you also.
Great banger!! 🔥🔥
I'll reminisce on the topic and see which one I can write best. Thanks for these interesting topics.
No worries.
My entry @galenkp
This topic sounds interesting and tempting at same time.
If I found $250, I would turn it over to the authorities. I love the 3 situations you ask people to comment on. Thanks for making your readers think.
Thanks for your comment and thoughts.
My Participation, https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@brujita18/we94-if-i-had-dollar-250-eng-esp
Thank you.
My pleasure, best regards!
The last option has my brain spinning though. 250 years is such a long time into the future, I have to get my imagination running on steroids for that one. I mean the possibilities are endless.
It's difficult to imagine what things night be like long after we're dead. If it's too hard choose another topic I guess.
The three proposals made me think a lot. Excellent! I have already decided on one that made my imagination fly. Good luck to all of you!
Thanks for entering, have a great weekend.
hello, I want to leave here my weekend participation, an interesting topic that makes you think, well this is what I shared, I hope you like it, greetings.
I saw it and liked it. :)
Greetings excellent topics, I leave my post here..
Great topics for this weekend.
Here's my entry
I am glad to be back on this community, I know it's been a while, but the topics are so great that I knew I had to participate.
This is my entry:https://hive.blog/hive-168869/@itsjunevelasquez/calling-for-an-end-we94-weekend-engagement
I've seen your entry, read your entry and liked your entry. ✅
Thank you, so much. When it comes to talk about time or the end of it, I let myself go through it.