If you're looking for something to write about over the weekend take a look below for the options and if you feel like doing a post use my community, WEEKEND EXPERIENCES. Please ensure you follow the guidelines below.
The concept guidelines to follow
☑️ Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community (no cross-posting)
☑️ Use your own photos where possible (it shows character and personality)
☑️ Follow all the community rules - Post in ENGLISH only (not multi-language)
☑️ Entries close at 06:30 UTC Monday 17 October (Link to UTC converter)☑️ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag so I can find your entry
Select something from below to write about
The deep-thought weekend
Answer one of the following five questions with at least 350 words. Also. I love to see people use photos they took themselves so give it a try for some extra bonus points. (Multiple stock images are rather unappealing)
Is there something about yourself that you know you should let go of, but haven't been able to? What is it, how does it effect you and why can't you let it go?
Is there something worse than dying? What is it and why do you feel it is worse? Explain your answer.
Who are you jealous of (if anyone). Why, and how do you feel this jealousy effects your life.
Are you a person others can depend upon or are you dependant upon others. Explain your answer and how either effects your life.
When were you the most disappointed in yourself? Explain the situation, how you dealt with it and what outcomes were generated.
Be creative - Show effort - Be interesting
Curation may happen, but only on quality original content that meets the concept guidelines above, and the community rules. This is a chance to showcase yourself to the entire community and to find and build new relationships.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Any image(s) in this post are my own and are not for your use.
I always end up reading the subjects of each weekend engagement concept but somehow get busy with other stuff or write about other experiences instead of finally making my introduction in this community, such a shame! 🤦
Though I'm sure you will get some really cool posts to read and I can't wait reading some of them too!
Yeah no worries, you need to do the things that are important to you.
This week's questions are rather thought-provoking as you stated.
I bet the entries will worth the read.
Happy weekend galenkp
Time will tell what come out of it, I hope to read some interesting posts.
This is really will Good to see each other thoughts from their life experiences or perspective which might get emotional... Looking forward to see how Things will Go on this weekend.... I had picked the one for myself to write... Wish you a Great weekend ahead.
I agree, it'll be interesting to see what people come up with. Happy weekend.
They are deep thoughts questions indeed. I wonder where you get them from 😂
From my brain. #thanksbrain
Now this is what I call ... rather interesting.
Very thoughtful selections of prompts... may I ask ?
Can we write on two prompts or just one??
I have been waiting for this week's topic to come up, I had a silly feeling it would resonate with me and here it's.
You can answer two in the same post if you like.
I look forward to seeing what you produce and am glad something in the topics interests you.
Have a good weekend too huh?
Oh thanks... haha time to air those things out... I just find a way to beautify the rants, it's not actually a rant rant lol. Sure thing I would!
Beautiful rants are way better, and more impactful, than ugly rants. I've done several in the 5+ years since been on Hive.
Yup!you are right!
Much impactful and relieving...
So many self failures to choose from on this one. You may need to call in help as your gonna need curation backup if it gets posted and makes the cut.
Gonna be a deep dive if I can get meeself into the right headspace to get it into words...
I've got a load of moments I could use for this one too. They build character, and if a person learns something they can be productive also.
I fear this one may make you think less of me. It is pretty bad... As a funeral is involved
We'll see huh? Just be who you are, forthright and true to yourself, the rest will take care of itself.
Gotta love the kitty. Blink and you will miss it...
Sheeeeeesh - do I have to think? Missed the early prompt message on Whatsapp - I'll try to get this done soon, some great food for thought here!
Your real life weekend comes first and then, should you have ten minutes to smash out a #weekend-engagement post, make it so. 😁
Thank goddess for allowing me Monday...
Yep, that's why I include it, and also for those weirdos in America, and other places, who are so far behind our time. 😉
Sir @galenkp Good question request for this new topic, I like it, there is one question I have to clarify about myself. 😊
I'm glad you like the questions. Bring your best!
Have a good weekend.
As I thought, that's clearly what I experienced, you've also published a good question to answer in my post. 😊
It's another interesting questions this weekend 🤩🤩
Thank you, G-dog 🤗
No worries, have a good weekend.
An appropriate topic for me, a great topic to follow for a weekend engagement.
Yeah, I thought it might work out ok. Have a great weekend, I'll see you around.
Some very deep questions, for sure. Will brainstorm today : )
Happy brainstorming, and a happy weekend ahead too, I hope.
I have something to say about every one of these questions. It will be hard deciding on which one to write on. But let’s see
I'm sure you'll narrow it down.
While reading the questions, answers to all of them were popping up in my mind... But I guess I know what to choose.
Thanks for these self-reflecting questions..
No worries, I hope you have a good weekend!
Weekend ponder in wonder at the topics you find, have a blast everyone must be some interesting stories.
Hopefully there's something interesting, or my Monday favourites post might be an abject failure.
No, never!
hhhmmm interesting topics, will try to pick and write something before deadline 😂
Very interesting these topics to connect with ourselves. This weekend will be one of reflection for many of us.
Happy day to you.
Thank you, and all the best for a good weekend.
Okay this week engagement is quite nice. Like I can write about two or three topics there without thinking about what to write. I better get to work
I like to think every week is quite nice, but I understand that some weeks appeal more or less depending on the topics.
Yeah, some weeks questions are more appealing. You are doing a great job.
Mann i loved subject of this week!! These questions are really good ones and very deep to fall in them. It will be my post for today so i Want to ask you:
Can we answer severals questions? Or onlt one? In my case i would like to answer 2 because for me they are related.
Hi there. I'm glad you like the topics. You can answer one or multiple, it's your choice.
Hello @galenkp , happy weekend. Wow, the questions are very interesting, success to all.
Indeed, thank you. I hope you have a good weekend.
A warm greeting to all of you.
Here I bring you my participation in week 123:
I saw it, and what a great effort it was! Well done.
Thank you my friend
Hey there, I hope you have the chance to enter, I'd be interested to see what you come up with.
Glad to catch up with this and would be making my entry shortly when I am on the bus. Interesting topics as usual.
On the bus? You can multitask like that? No wonder you have the ladies swooning.
🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂 I actually enjoy multitasking sometimes. I don't know about the ladies sir 😂🙈
Interesting proposals friend @galenkp. You give rise to much to talk about, and even philosophy, to put the neurons to work. As always a happy weekend and soon I will publish my post.
Here I present my participation:
Happy weekend, enjoy it! https://ecency.com/hive-168869/@nbarrios67/week-123-weekend-engagement-concept
Thank you for letting me know. I also hope you have a good weekend.
Here is my entry
I saw it, thanks for letting me know. Have a good weekend.
It's sure to be a weekend of deep thinking with those gems of questions. 🙃
After I spent so much time thinking I finally made a post 😅
Here’s my entry :
Excellent, thanks for being involved. I hope you have a great weekend.
You too 😇
I read, these questions Mr. Galen, and they all lead me to listen to myself carefully and follow that infinite wisdom, in trust, the one that is made when I create my reality and the life I want to live.
Thank you infinite ☮️
You're welcome, and I also hope you have a good weekend.
Oh, you changed the format of the questions this weekend-engagement. I absolutely love these questions though. Very personal, so I bet you get a chance to know about the community members' personalities. I'm so excited to read their entries. Hihi.
I decided to do something a little different this week. Thanks for noticing. Have a great weekend.
This is a very good question and I will love to participate this time
Thank you, I also hope you have a great weekend.
Happy weekend!! My entry: https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@isgledysduarte/week-123-weekend-engagement-concept
💚Happy weekend blessings💚
A deep dive into the real of thought. I love these Questions. I recently made a post about fears, so I'll have so background info to tackle the question related to something worse than dying.
I wanted to see how people were thinking this week, to take them into places within their minds that caused them to challenge their thoughts, and maybe fears.
It is an awesome idea. Maybe a thing not for the faint of mind.
Yeah, it's good to be challenged as it makes a person think laterally, a little deeper, and to delve into themselves; it's amazing what can be found in there.
Or not so amazing. There's a reason it isn't for everybody, but that's a topic of the initiative, so no spoiling it on comments.
greetings this is my entry to this week's contest
No worries, thanks for getting involved and I hope you have a good weekend.
That's a very true quote by Poe. It's the first time I read it.
We can reflect and change, but perfection was not programed in us. The moment we reach perfect the bar is lifted up a notch. It's an ironic paradox because each of us are perfect in our place.
Perfectly imperfect, is what I say usually.
I stopped chasing perfection many years ago when I began to understand that continuous improvement delivered better, more frequent and sustainable results.
Ohooo, this is more like a self realization and all, love it. Also about ourselves. I think with this even just a peak, we will know something about each other, very very nice. Thanks for these topic, by the way ✨☺️
Hello @galenkp, my entry https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@umirais/we123-the-betrayal-of-a-best-friend-is-worse-than-death
Thank you.
You are welcome @galenkp
My entry
Thanks for giving this real thoughtful prompts for this week's experience... https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@cescajove/we-123-my-experience
Post Link
Happy weekend guys, this topics are good and I will need to think deep.
But watsup with the downvotes hope all is well sir?
I'm glad you like the topics. All is well here, and I hope with you also. Have a good weekend.
Alright boss.
Can anyone speak odd of this quote? Absolutely not.
It's another weekend and the topics worth time, energy and attention. Thanks for the encouragement I always had tried to partake weekly but pictures always hinder me but not again.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Sure , thanks and you too.
Leaving my participation, thank you very much 🥰🤗
Post link
Hello here my entry https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@evev/we-123-is-the-something-worse-than-dying
Thak you for tour visit!
Thank you.
Can we answer more than one question? Good day @galenkp
This is my entry, regards: https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@hylene74/week-123-weekend-engagement-concept-is-there-anything-worse-than-dying
Here's my entry