Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 238

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago
Countdown terminated on Dec 30, 2024, 6:30 AM

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.

- Confucius -


Welcome to the very last weekend-engagement topics-post for 2024...the next time you see it 2025 would have arrived. I've given you a few topics here that hopefully will get you thinking and one that should (might) provide a little fun. If you can't draw or paint that's ok, do it anyway because life is too short and I don't mind shit drawings!

✅I'm giving away 15 HBD and 6,000 Ecency points this week

Thanks to @shawnnft for your donations towards the prizes making it a decent sum to hand out and sharing the load with me.

WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community then read below, and I hope you all have a great weekend.It's been several years since I started the weekend-engagement topic concept and it's really cool to see see a few people come back every week and join in. If you'd like to get involved with the #weekend-engagement topics as hosted in the

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Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community - follow all community rules found here.

250+ word minimum and you must use your own photos - no stock images

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  • Draw, with coloured pencils, crayons or paints, what your goals are in 2025, post the photo of your drawing and explain. This must be your own work.

  • Review your 2024 explaining what your goals were, which you attained and did not, and why you did or did not achieve them. Use your own photos.

  • Post about your latest DIY project around your home or something you've fixed most recently like your car, bike or other such thing. Use your own photos.

  • What missteps from your past have you learned from to create a more pleasurable, productive present life - Use your own photos. (Thanks @tamaralovelace for this topic.)

  • Are you an idiot? If you are, tell us why with examples. Use your own photos.

  • ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 06:30 UTC Monday 30 December

    (Link to UTC converter)

    Comply with the guidelines if you want your post to be eligible

    Only original content is acceptable and no AI-generated text or images. Curation is based on quality, effort and personality and and all photos must be ones you own, not stock images.

    Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

    Want a free Hive account? Click Here

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    Any images in this post are my own.

Countdown terminated on Dec 30, 2024, 6:30 AM

I love the Confucius quote you used at the beginning of the post. Definitely need to adjust the steps...This Friday's topics are great! Thanks.

It's a good quote isn't it?

Anyway, thanks for stopping by, I wish you all the best for the new year.

The same to you, may there be happy moments left over.

At first I intended to pretend to be good soldier svejk and say: yes senior lieutenant, I am an idiot. But I decided not to do that because most people would probably not get the reference anyway.

Oh, you chose the idiot topic? Well done mate, I didn't think anyone would and am glad you challenged yourself a bit. ✅

One of my favorite characters Columbo at times seems like a babbling idiot. Yet he solves all the cases and captures the genius culprits. So I am in a good company. 😛

Yep, Columbo is a smart cookie indeed.

The topics you propose are very good. I liked the first one so I'm going to draw what I most want for 2025. I'm not good at drawing but as you are good at animating I'm sure I'll get it. Thanks, see you before December 31. Thank you.

The worse the drawing is the better I like them...it's not about the artwork, it's about the passion and personality you apply. Well done.

Happy last weekend of 2025, Galen. Peace and good things to you and yours.💫

I hope you have a nice 2025 also, one that makes you look back on and feel like you created it as best you can.

Definitely yes, we chose wrong, we made so many mistakes, and then the consequences come. Thanks for your good wish, that's what I intend, to keep building to Live one day at a time, hey and this is not a cliché advice. It is really the most effective antidote to go forward this 2025.🪄

How is this idiot s'posed to draw his unobtainable goals. In color no less?!?

I say idiot because that is an easy topic. It comes naturally for me. The stupidity flows freely from this guy. A natural talent if being an idiot was considered a talent.

Maybe I will combine writing my idiocracy with crayons.

Alice Cooper wrote a Song about me...

Hey Stupid...


Drawing and idiocy...seems like a good combination...get on it.

We have already reached the end of the year, it's incredible, it went by so fast! I guess because I've been so busy, and that's a good thing.

Interesting topics and varied in realization, I already have an idea of what I will bring tomorrow! I'm going to love to participate. Thanks Galen, have a great weekend.

Yep, almost done for 2024 and 2025 is creeping up...let's hope it's a good one.

It will be, I know it will, for sure.

the last weekend of this year, who would have thought, it's surprising how quickly the year went by, I hope you have a great weekend friend

It flew by, I find that happens the older I get, what do you think?

I think busyness makes our days go by quickly.

Indeed it does.

Happy last weekend of 2024, interesting topics and more creative indeed 😀
Hope so we'll have a fresh start of next year 😀


A fresh start is up to each individual I guess, for those who aren't good at moving forward my get stuck in the past but those who like to progress and develop there'll be a fresh start and better horizons. Have a nice 2025, one that you, hopefully, create as you'd like it to be.

Yes and we've to get a fresh start and leave bad moments behind in the 2024, yes I'll try to draw if I've time lol 😆 as busy in home with family

Wow, last one of the year. That's just crazy to think about!

Let the 2025 good times roll!

These are quite tough and interesting topics at the same time. The first one sounds really cool but there are definitely other good options. Thanks to @shawnnft for his contribution and I definitely hope I can also get the chance to win some. Take care of yourself galen and happy new year in advance.

It was nice of Shawn to help me with the prizes, he's done it before and I appreciate the assistance.

That's cool. Also,I already powered up some Hive like i said will and I am also looking forward to do more before the year runs out. Also, thanks for all you have done for me this year you definitely played a part in making my experience a good one and I am truly grateful for that.

It's always tough, interesting and fun topics. Just choose what you like.

You're welcome! Good luck winning something and have a happy new years~

Wow, I really admire the consistency you bring to this weekend commitment. I always stop by and take a look, although obviously I have some time without participating, from my part the affection is the same and as always very grateful for the opportunities you offer us.

I'm glad I didn't forget to pass by to wish you happy holidays =)

No worries, sometimes people have more important things to do and that's completely ok.

Have a good 2025.

Thank you for the topics I will anticipate on this

Anticipate all you like. ✅

What a generous person @shawnnft , I'm sure there are lots of amazing writers and posts in this weekend engagement. Looking forward to read the wonderful posts.😊😊

everyone can contribute as well if they are able to. make it better for everybody! enjoy the topics and all the best!

 2 months ago (edited) 

They can, but don't...just you and a handful of others back in the day. I appreciate it as it takes some of the burden off me.

That's true. I don't blame them though. As long as some time in their life they see that giving is one of the most powerful things to do in life and it doesn't even have to be monetary.

I wasn't laying blame, just staying facts.

my bad didn't mean it that way. I meant like it's more like I've accepted that it just be like that sometimes. We can only really control our actions and hope to influence others in a positive way. It's ok we keep going what we doing and hopefully we can pass on to others to take initiatives to help community whether it be on Hive or real life.

Yeah, if more people did it things may be better.

Thank you.😊 Sure I will.😊

Thanks @shawnnft for the generosity! Is there any special occasion? :P

You're welcome! It's for Xmas and end of the year man. Spread some generosity so others can as well I hope. It can be a chain reaction and just make the world a bit better.

I been busy with family though so gotta catch up on replies.

Ah nice! :)

lol why this get downvoted. you're welcome bro

Haha no idea. I read in Discord it's all got to with HP delegation to cur8. Have undelegated to be safe. Shrugs.

oof i undelegated from them toog uess they are abusing

Like the post says.

All the topics are interesting.


Almost at the last minute, but here is my participation for this week. It's incredible that it's already the last weekend of the year 2024!


Still five hours to go so you made it in time.

Good, I was able to publish on time

Happy to participate this weekend with my goals

I see this too late!! 😥

He yoo what a nice topic G, can i still do mine? WithOut contest of course.