Do you ever wonder what your place is in the world, why we exist and what your actual purpose is? Ok, maybe you've wondered none of those things and that's ok I guess, it's a big question really. What I wonder though...is what the fuck are you doing this weekend? Tell me below if you like, and get involved with the topics if you have some time and want to.
WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community then read below, and I hope you all have a great weekend.It's been several years since I started the weekend-engagement topic concept and it's really cool to see see a few people come back every week and join in. If you'd like to get involved with the #weekend-engagement topics as hosted in the
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Do you like kids or not? Explain either way. Use your own photos.
Are you an ignorant asshole? Explain and use your own photos.
What do you think this phrase (by Lord Byron) means or what does it mean for you? -"The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain." Use your own photos.
Do you feel the media and news services are misleading to the general population, what do you feel their agenda is and how does it impact on society? Use your own photos.
What would be your last words before you die and to whom would you wish to say them? Use your own photos.
If you could have spoken the moment you popped out of your mother's womb what do you think you would have said and why? Use your own photos.
Only original content is acceptable and no AI-generated text or images. Curation is based on quality, effort and personality and and all photos must be ones you own, not stock images.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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Any images in this post are my own.
This weekend is gonna be fantabulous, because I'm not gonna do a damned thing. My son has been working out of state for the past 5 weeks, which left me to cover his share of chores (no problem, I'm just grumpin' ). He's been home the last week, so we've been getting some of the heavier stuff done that I can't do alone, washing a literal mountain of clothes, providing some good ol' home cookin' and now he's packing up to leave again in the wee hours. This old lady is wore out lol. A nice weekend of self care and plinking away on this computer is all I have planned.
What we wonder is...what the fuck are you doing this weekend?
p.s. your char-cooter-ee board looks delicious
It sounds like you've been busy and need a break so you have my endorsement to relax a little this weekend and take some you time.
Me? Well it's been really hot all week 45°C but it's dropped to mid 20's for the weekend so I'll be outside watering and doing stuff in my garden with a later evening walk on each day. Today I'll be writing (am writing a book about my life) and some writing for Hive I suppose (if I can be bothered - I'm losing interest) then probably Indian food for dinner (doesn't happen often) and some episodes of Van Helsing on Netflix.
Sunday will be a home day too I think although lunch out may happen if I can find the motivation. I have to do some stuff I don't want broadcast on the internet (not that I don't want to share with you, just not on here) and I reckon I'll do my grocery shopping as well. I'm looking at trying out a very low carb pizza pocket recipe because I can't eat regular pizza (base has soo much carbs) so will get stuff to do that with as well. Probably some more episodes later and then bed.
Not that exciting.
I hope you have a good and enjoyable weekend.
Also, yep I made this platter for NYE as we had a BBQ. I wrote about it at the time, figured I'd make use of the photo again.
Wow, a book! That's a huge task, I would think (having never written one). I think lots of folks go through the lack of motivation thing on Hive. It can sometimes seem like a ball and chain, with perks of course. I bet it's the nut milk lol...just kidding (not really). Actually, how's that going, are you getting used to it?
Your temperature sounds much, much better at the mid 20's level. Should make watering the garden much more enjoyable. We had a little rain this morn so no watering for me.
I hope the pizza pocket works out. Life isn't as sweet without pizza. I thought I saw a couple substitute pizza crust recipes, one with cauliflower and one with mostly cheese, but the pocket should work great.
Here's hoping the rest of your weekend is enjoyable as well.
That nut juice nightmare is over. I died, multiple times as it turns out, but I'm quite irrepressible so managed to come back to life. It's cow boob milk all the way for me now!
I want less carbs than those cauliflower bases; tried them once and hated them so low carb tortilla pizza pockets is be next experiment. I think it'll work out.
Cow boob milk is the udder white milk. You gave it your all and stuck to the bargain, so that speaks highly of your character lol. I don't think I could've done it.
One week in which I died a thousand deaths. Well, three or four at least. Lucky I'm hard to kill and even killing me doesn't do the job properly.
So, I made it through, it's udderly amazing really. I'm sure she'll decide some udder torture for me, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, I'm back to cow boob milk and all udder forms of milk can fuck right off. (Including skim milk which is water pretending to be milk.)
Almond trees the world over are shaking in their
bootsroots as they feel your wrath. As if they could take you out, phht! If you are reincarnated you will probably come back as a bull just so you have access to four teats instead of two lol.Skim milk - the great pretender or as I call it...transmilk
Your lady only does it because she loves you and doesn't want you to check out before your time. Hopefully you don't have to choke down any crickets or mealworms (I almost gagged as I typed that), and if you do, I feel sorry for ya lol
Honestly, those little humans can be very annoying and sweet at the same time. Sometimes, I like them and other times I don't.
Most humans are annoying but that fact makes it so cool and enjoyable when the other ones come along that aren't annoying.
I have my parting ways death speech just about finished bro...
Epic words to die by 😳
Cool, someone who's taking on one of my favourite topics from this week.
Turned out to be quite a challenge. Struggling with a video clip to giphy transfer of a near death experience.
Yeah, I like challenging people because it's through standing up to challenges that people grow and develop...or find out they're a quitter and slink away.
What is your opinion/ruling on a giphy if it is in link form and ties into the storyline?
Looks like the gif worked fine.
I also like to challenge you with the W.E. rules it seems? Sorry for that 🥺
I think I've been asking myself that question for as long as I can remember and I've done a lot of research to come up with the answer, but at the weekend, I schedule things that fill my heart and that I like to do like going out, enjoying the people I love, art, walks.
The topics are more than great, I'll be here!
Have a great weekend Galen!
I like this week's topics; some of them anyway. Hopefully there's one or two good entries.
I like some of them too, some interesting ones! Thanks for that, I hope there will be those good entries. Hugs!
Even an ignorant asshole could make difference, how many assholes are ignorant though?
Have a wonderful weekend!
I'm not sure how many are ignorant, just that there are many assholes out there.
Happy weekend.
Aye assholes ten a dime, feign ignorance to support their crime in most cases.
No happy weekend here, feel like dead man walking, my son brought summer flu into the home, I caught it....., most unusual but there you go, feel sucker punched!
Oh shit, the flu. I had it weeks back fucken almost killed me. Hopefully you're feeling better.
Talk to me in a week.... 🙃
Definitely,I sometimes wondered what I'm doing in this world. I feel so empty, it's like my life doesn't have any progress.Asking myself what I'm doing here and what's my purpose.The bright side,I don't let myself dwell with it more,I divert myself having happy thoughts and be happy of what I have right now. But honestly,if I'm very exhausted I wondered those things.
I hope you manage to progress in life and find meaning and happiness.
Have a nice weekend.
Thank you for your kind words.Have a nice weekend☺️.
Every morning, when I get out of bed, my knee (pain in the same) reminds me that I still exist 😂
The morning when that pain is gone, it will be clear that I will be "smelling flowers from below" 😀
Knees are reliable like that, they remind a person that they're an old bastard who probably should have made better choices when they were younger. Lol.
This is probably the best lithuanian basketball coach. He did a lot for Lithuania and our basketball. Both as a player and now as coach. But I just can't agree with him on the topic of kids...
How's your team going? They won a game yet?
they still have a chance to advance. they just need to win 6 of the remaining 8 games...Right now euroleague is on a break so they will play next euroleague game only on 27. For now I hope that will win a local trophy this weekend. As for the euroleague I still have a bit of hope but winning those 6 games is nearly impossible...At least at the level they have been playing lately.
Hopefully they make it happen.
Hahaha this is going to be interesting... Lol.
Yeah, if anyone decides to write on this one.
I'm probably more of an intelligent asshole, does that count?
You think you're an asshole?
This surprised me.
Oh yeah, I can be for sure. Especially when people do dumb things at work. My wife thought I was one when she first met me.
I'm glad she saw the truth of who you really were eventually...and the rest is history.
Haha, yes, me too!
Of course, I do take some time to pause and reflect on why we exist. We live our life year in year out making efforts to survive every hurdle thrown at us. Now, we are halfway through February and before know it 2026 is here. Well, the world is more of the battle of the fittest - may the fittest man win.
I will be joining this weekend's Weekend Experience. Expect my entry.
No worries, have a good weekend and a good 2025.
Good morning, Wise One!😊 The topics are great. Thank you for a job well done
No problem, have a good weekend.
Wow! Each of these questions has its essence, I like it... Wait for my entry. Greetings to all.
Have a good weekend.
You too mr. galen 😊
Galen, brother—wow! These topics hit hard. This week was tough. When I read this it touched on the pain points of my week…my life. Ha! This weekend was supposed to be one of those deep, shitty heavy ones - me sitting with the sadness, let myself feel, purge, heal. But you know what, man? I decided no. Not this time. Huh-uh! I’ve spent enough years carrying the weight of old wounds and regrets. This time, I’m choosing to pour my emotions into my weekend experience. Buckle up. No tissues though. Maybe ammo?
A decision to seek improvement is the first step towards attaining improvement.
My entry
Hello team:
Good plan.