Educated to protect [Week 123]

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Many years ago, when I was working as a support engineer for a software consulting firm, I got my good friend Tito as a co-worker.

In fact, the company's policy was that we were assigned sectors of the country with their clients and those clients would be served by pairs of workers or engineers.

Tito and I were assigned to the central western part of the country and also to attend Central American countries, from Panama to Mexico.

The headquarters of the firm we worked for specialized in the sale of computer equipment and administrative applications.

Our clients were stores, supermarkets, clinics, private and state-owned companies.

We were all contemporaries, about 40 years old, and we all had a family to take care of.

We men were the ones who made the long trips and who had to live in hotels.
The girls were protected because they were mothers, because their presence at home was more indispensable; it was a consideration of the company.

I liked that job a lot because I got to know many cities, many nice people and I also learned a lot because I had to know about all the departments of a company. I mean I had to have knowledge of accounting, payroll, inventory, sales, accounts receivable, accounts payable and all that because you had to connect it with the application or software sold.

In other words, we talked to the client about what he expected from the programs, the information obtained was passed on to the programmers, who, once everything was ready, gave us the programs, we tested them and if everything was OK, we delivered them to the client, who gave the final approval.

It was many years in which Tito and I cultivated a good friendship until today.

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Since I was the oldest of my siblings, there were six of us boys, I was given (without my permission) the responsibility of taking care of my younger siblings.

I went through changing diapers, bathing them, feeding them, taking them to school, and on and on. I even recently took care of my brother Enrique in his last days until he passed away due to a brutal illness.

Without realizing it, I began to take care of the whole family and when I founded my own family, this continued to happen.

Once, while talking with Tito on one of those business trips, we touched on this subject and we realized that we coincided a lot, that we had experienced similar things and Tito said that we were [providers] of our homes, of our families; I added that we were also providers of non-families.

I never complained about it, in fact, without realizing it, I enjoyed it. My parents, siblings, children depended on me and I gladly provided them with that service; they were family. But that also happened to me with my friends, no matter if they were women or men.

This led me to work very hard, I rarely took vacations and could not afford to go without income.

Until one day I exploded.

I needed a break, to isolate myself, I felt misunderstood, I was the one who took care of the others, I supported them, I listened to them, and because of that I forgot about myself.

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The same thing happened to Tito.

Both of us separately, when we made the decision to stop, we felt a great relief, but we also felt a sense of guilt because we wanted to shake off those responsibilities for some time, to take a sabbatical year. It was necessary to rest.

The family did not understand that, in my case I was accused of being selfish and as a consequence they left me alone.
They say that when circumstances are really horrible, that's when you know who family and friends are.

The only one who has always been there has been my good friend Tito.

Anyway, by breaking that situation, by no longer being the provider or the being that everyone depended on, something good was created, everyone took care of themselves and I learned to live alone and something tastier; sleeping until 10 am.

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Now I work the hours I want or the days I want and I feel liberated, but I don't forget anyone, from time to time I check on everyone to see if they need some help.

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It's inevitable, it's in my blood.

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For this weekend I have chosen the option:

Are you a person others can depend upon or are you dependant upon others. Explain your answer and how either effects your life.

This is my participation in [Week 123] Weekend-Engagement.

If you would like to participate in this initiative, just click here

I invite @purrix and @nony to enjoy this good weekend.

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I could relate with you on this story... I am the first daughter/child of the family and automatically they feel it's my responsibility.

I worked hard for them and pay tuition fees and get food stuffs..and if I don't provide they rain insults saying is my responsibility so I left that unannounced (AWOL) for over a year no one asked of me though it was strictly intentional for me and then I am like okay this feels good phew!

I'm glad you had to courage to say no maybe by now you might be hospitalized because of too much burdens hehe...not you though!

Thank you very much for visiting the publication and for your excellent comment.
Best wishes.

You are so right!!! I've been there too and it's sad. You do everything right, you don't complain, you enjoy it but there comes a time when you need time for yourself and that's when you get judged as selfish, you get criticized. It hurts, but you always survive. That's why I got used to be alone with my son, I moved away from toxic people or those who simply do not appreciate or do not value my sacrifice. I identified a lot with this post.

A big hug Germán! ✨🌼✨

Thank you for understanding, for your comment that I really liked and for being a wonderful woman.
Blessings to your son.

Being responsible for the family is a strong role, not only financially but also as an accomplice, friend, therapist, in an assertive way and without showing weakness.
I admire and respect you for who you are.
Best regards my friend 😚

Hi @germanandradeg. Your story is very close to my. Many times we get attached to people and we help them as much as we can, until a moment comes when we feel overwhelmed, and who helps us?

We must oxygenate ourselves to have more energy and many times it is not bad to think about oneself. The incredible thing is that many times people who are not your family have more consideration for you. It is also important that those people and family members that you helped are able to fend for themselves. Best regards, great post.

Thank you very much for your visit and your wonderful comment

You are the one that everyone depended on but how unfortunate that they failed to understand that sometimes you also need a little rest, or to know that there is someone you can lean on.

Taking a break is not a bad thing, and well in the end you should always work because the debts do not stop coming, and we must all learn to resolve our issues if possible.

Thank you very much for visiting the publication and leaving such a nice comment.
Best wishes.Hi Isgledys (@isgledysduarte).

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Great post. I think that it often happens that when you step into that kind of role, you are then expected to keep it no matter the circumstances and it's not right or fair, so I'm glad you were able to stand up for yourself and say "something for me now"...Tito also sounds like a solid friend.

That's right, Tito is a good friend, he has been there through thick and thin.

All the best to you. Thank you, Emma (@emma-h) for your visit and that nice comment.

😅Ya siento que soy tu amigo Tito, porque me sentí vinculada con tu escritura ya que soy también la mayor de 5 hermanos y me tocó parte de lo que te toco a ti. Gracias a Dios que comenzaste a pensar en ti y a tomar descanso. Bendiciones 🙏🏼😇♥️ 🙏🏽🙌🏽👏🏽💃🏽🌞😀😁😅😂🤣😍😘🥰😎🤩

Pues, bienvenida al círculo de mis panas.Gracias Gladys (@cochanet) por visitar la publicación y por tan bonito comentario.

Complacida de pertenecer a tu circulo de panas 👍🏽🙏🏽😅🥰