When you knew better - Discussion - WEEK 146

One weekend I went with my then-girlfriend to a party a friend had organized.

The party was around a swimming pool, with excellent food, drinks and good music for dancing.

I remember that we arrived early and were among the first, allowing us to help welcome the other guests.

The reason for the party was the birthday of the friend's mother. Many people arrived, including family members, friends of the honoree, and the occasional stranger who infiltrated thanks to a guest.

What was very striking was that the attendees were mostly women; many beautiful women.

Since there were only a few of us men who knew how to dance, we were accosted all the time. I don't remember sitting down and there was a gorgeous redhead who wouldn't let go of me.

My girlfriend didn't like that very much and constantly told me to separate from the redhead. I swear I tried, but that girl was insistent and I didn't want to be rude.

I told my girlfriend to dance with me, to stay with me, but she wanted to gossip with her friends and the birthday girl.

Night fell and it was time to leave for home. It was an hour's drive and it was quite late.

As soon as my girlfriend got into my car, she started to complain about the fact that I had danced with the redhead. She complained about everything, that if I danced, that if I laughed, that if I talked and so began a fight between the two of us, her attacking me and me defending myself.

The argument escalated, so much so that she was insulting me and threatening to call off their upcoming wedding.

Driving on my way to my girlfriend's house, at an intersection, a speeding vehicle appeared and almost caused us to crash into it. My immediate reaction was to insult the driver.

I had been arguing with my girlfriend and when the event came up I verbally unloaded all my fury against that driver.

We followed the route and when we arrived we got out of the car without stopping arguing in the middle of the street.

Suddenly a vehicle appeared violently next to us and a man with a gun in his hand got out of the vehicle.

It was the driver I had insulted. The man drove up to me shouting any number of insults and threatening to shoot me.

I, in my pride, did not remain calm and approached him to confront him.

My girlfriend got scared and stepped between the two of us, resulting in the man pushing her away. This enraged me even more and I lunged at him.

In the struggle, a detonation was heard. The man had shot me in the stomach. Immediately, the man ran to his vehicle and fled.

I fell to the floor, frightened, blood pouring from my body. My girlfriend hugged me and cried for help. Her relatives showed up and took me to the hospital.

After that experience, I decided that I must control my emotions, not explode and do things that I know are not right. I must not allow anything to disturb my peace and much less make others pay for any circumstance that is happening to me.

For many weeks I lived with a small bag attached to my body and I used to defecate in it.

A few months later my girlfriend and I broke up. That argument was useless and could have ended worse.

Original content is written exclusively for Writing suggestions WEEK 146 - Weekend-Engagement

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