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RE: No Power, No Problem?

I've been hyperaware of this for a very long time. It wouldn't make much difference here as we''re set up to be able to be off grid. The hardest thing would be canning all the stuff in the freezers before the gas for the generators gave out. I would miss not writing my blog and the ease of editing photos. But I have thousands of books in this house, and I'm sure I'd have a lot more to do, like laundry, that wouldn't be as easy as it is now.

Most people are not at all prepared if the grid goes down. When the food runs out in the few cities south of me, I'm sure I'd be overrun by hoards looking for food. I'm all too near the interstate. Bugging out is not an option for me.


Yeah that worries me too, though we are rural we are on edge of town so we would be easily raided in a house that's hardly a fortress and more of a shack.

I imagine your frozen stuff would go first, but I know you are pretty resourceful and have other stores, yes? Do you have dried food?

I have 200 canning jars, two huge pressure canners, and hundreds of rings for canning all that's in the freezers. I also have 40# of salt for salting down meat, and crocks to put it in. There's also the pantry and the root cellar. So there's a lot on hand here, probably enough for a year.

I haven't stocked up on rice and flour/grains. They could be vacuum sealed, etc, but I never got that far.

Yes and they don't last as long I hear... I don't even have a lot of flour in my diet!

Unless they are kept in the freezer, any grain that has been broken/ground will oxidize in a few weeks, unless they are vacuum sealed with oxygen packets withing a VERY short time of being broken/ground.