I frequently use the mirror and I know I am not alone , many of us use the mirror to correct, readjust and admire ourselves.
Our confidence increases when we use the mirror, because we like what we see and others admire us.
Just like using the mirror, I need to continuously check myself and see areas I need to improve on.
I will discuss how I have continually improved myself emotionally, physically, financially and in my relationship. This improvement has really brought relief, self confidence and happiness to me.
Because I want to be a better person for myself, my family and friends I need to improve.
I usually ask them how I can be better for them, I ask my friend this and they say I hardly call to check up on them. Honestly that my weaknesses I can chat with you but I hardly make calls.
**So I had to put it in my to-do list to call some friends and since I did, my relationship with them has improved.
Asking questions from well meaning and matured family and friends is one productive way that has help me to improve myself continuously.
I am so intentional about my relationship. I enjoyed a stress-free and joyful relationship with friends.
I am not really a book lover, I only become serious when it's involves writing an exam. I don't really see it as a necessity I feel it's a Borden.
But now I know better, I have been reading some very good books that has helped improved thinking and give me some financial breakthrough.
For example I am currently readingsmart money woman and I am currently in chapter eleven. I have learnt how to be calculative, how to invest and how to earn money. I am not even through with it yet and I am already practicing what I am learning, I have more confidence in my business place and I avoid debt.**
Indeed most treasures and secrets are hidden on books. So reading is another way I continuously improve my self*.
The most amazing extent I have gone to becoming a better person is paying for mentorship and coach. I have presently have coach nels who is coaching me on how to market myself and how to be the best version of myself spiritually and physically.
I have never been so consistent and intentional about my growth like the way I am presently, I am striving to be the better me. I am so intentional about everything and anything around me.
This has also help me set boundaries on things and people I don't expect too much and I don't give too much, my anxties are under control and check and i am in peace with myself
These are the ways I have improved continuously improved on myself.
I hope you enjoyed reading.
As humans, we need to improve ourselves daily and embrace change. And books are such great way to broaden your spectrum and learn. I love what you're doing for you and I hope you achieve. You are very pretty btw💕
I am blushing 🥰😍Thanks @oluchi31 for stopping by and for the compliment.
Reading good books was really one factor for our self-improvement. I also read some books that would help me to become wise especially when money was involved. As a mother budgeting is a must.
I agree with you budget is a must.
Thanks for reading see you in my other post.