Hi again and welcome to my Weekend Experience! What a weekend this one! Totally different to the ones I am used to have. This one have been more active. Yesterday I had that walk with my little sis, and today I had the opportunity to be volunteering in a communitarian project named "De la Raíz al Cielo" ( "From the roots to the Sky" in English), but before starting to tell you about it, let me tell you a little bit about it's history.
That is a project that was founded around 2015 by the community leaders and my grandma participated in some actions. They pretended to transform the community life into a better and active one.
Ten years later my mother and me are part of this project keeping my grandma's dream and expectations. She is not with us, but she is in our hearts and actions.
To weeks ago we had some visitors that thought us how to plan a strategy and how to elaborate a diagnosis design to develop the activities that may contribute to the community transformation. We though some activities that will benefit that community and its members.
This Sunday we carried out the first one! We helped to prepare a space that is going to be a volleyball area! When we were in the specific place it was full of trash and broken bottles that we picked up. At the beginning we were only four people doing that, but minutes later we were eight. Maybe in a near future we could be more. The main community leader is an empowered and strong woman, but she could not participate with us today because she was having some health problems.
We had some fun while doing that, because our friends are talkative and funny.
We went and went back there going by the same way. There are some tobacco plantations and tobacco houses around there. It is a beautiful view. My neighbour went with us and worked with us too.
I felt good being useful and helping them to achieve what they want and contributing with a whole community dream and happiness. I'm at work the whole week, that is why I don't always have time for this kind of activities. I think I can do more for them.
Photos taken by me. (excepting the last ones that were taken by my neighbour)
Text of my authorship.
Have a blessed week
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