To a T!
The level here of letting go is very different from the own effort, to keep yourself in a certain position, and that's the key to release deep-seated tension, mental and physical.
Yes, you have to trust the therapist and the therapy, as well as yourself. You have to want to let go, to work on yourself, no matter what it is.
I felt very relaxed afterwards. Body and mentalwise. I don't have any hidden, deep lying emotional issues, or at least I couldn't find any. I've been taking care and working on myself pretty well. I talk about my emotions and am open to them. Philosophy, metaphysics, theology, and open to any kind of therapies and techniques, for example, help me think about life and take things easy.
The next few days after the training I felt a sort of pain in my lower back which probably were relieved from hanging and relaxing the spine so much for four days. Like in TCM, Bowen Technique, Thai Massage or any other good therapy, and with the appropriate therapist, it can release any kind of accrued toxic materials, thoughts or emotions inside the body. I remember many times being very exhausted for a few days after a good session. Positive exhaustion, positive pain.
Have you ever made that kind of experience?
But I have never seen so many and strong positive reactions of release like in Hangab.