Adventurous, caring, listener, coach, traveler, wanderer, Basketball, Sports, challenges, visual, photographer, creative, friend, brother, son, calm, entrepreneur, funny, gamer, writer.....
Haha bit harder than I thought at first, but once I got rolling I wanted to go over the 20 word limit 🤣
I try to angle the topics towards making people think a little - After all thinking is a good thing right?
I'm not surprised you said this as I reckon you'd be a bit of a joker based on our interactions. #nutbag 😁
I like these two also as being an effective listener helps one be a better coach, and friend.
This is the meaning of my first name as it turns out so I can relate...Although, there's a time to be calm and a time not to be. The trick is knowing when. Or so it is with me.
Well done for having a go at it this week. I don't think many will but what the hell, you and I are here so it's all good!
I like the fact that you said there is a time to be calm and there is a time not to be.😅
Its one thing I've being trying to find w balance with in my life.
I guess one needs to judge a situation in isolation and act accordingly. Also calm could mean very different things right?
An officer on the battlefield, in combat, needs to display some calmness as his men will feed off his behaviour and demeanor, but there's a time not to be calm. A spectator at a soccer match might be vindicated for not showing calmness as his side plays to win - Excitement will enselue, not calm. The same might be said for a fellow whose lover has left him - It might be difficult to remain calm in that situation despite calm, rational thought being most required in that situation.
It's situational. Loosing ones cool often affects how one thinks so it needs to be approached cautiously. There's a time for it though, certainly.
Well, I couldn't have said it better. A good skill of discernment which translates to good judgment plays a key role in this instance. In all, it is situational as you've said.
One thing I like to tell myself is that, the first reaction isn't always the best, hence, thinking things through could go a long way.
In the end, it really all comes down to different factors,
how we perceive the situation,
Our mood,
Our general personality and all,
First reaction isn't always the best. I like that. A simple statement but so true and powerful to a person if they were to employ that ethos. ✅
that is an absolutely brilliant answer. i remember one time i was watching a football match with my parents in the living room, it was the knockout round match of Juventus vs Atletico Madrid. Juve where down by 2 goals in the first leg and they had to win this game 3 nil to qualify. if anyone was going to most likely step up for the Juve side, it could only be one man CR7. he got the first goal and i remember excitedly jumping up in joy. my father immediately rebuked me and said... is this all you live for?
looking back at it now, i realize how your response relates with that incident. That time, wasn't a time to remain calm, it was a time to be excited, especially for us fans of CR7
Thank you for saying so, and yes I agree, that moment was a good one to feel excited over. It shows passion and that's not a bad thing. I've done the same over sports and other things myself, although have applied calm also, at the right time and in the right measure.
I appreciate your comment.
I have you to thank
One of my all time fave memes.
Lol...I could stick my mug in that pic and it'd work well.
I probably look far to cool to be in this pic but what the hell.
Same thing Mee thinks every time I snap a selfie... lmao
Too sexy for my
shirtself...Or is this G-Dog out for a walkabout..?
Hahahaha waaawww hahahha 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
My eyes have just been assaulted. And not in a good way.
i'd like to ask you about this.. knowing and understanding when not to be calm... how can one fashion anger and disorder within to become something useful?
This is a good question and one I'm probably not qualified to answer but...
In the military, in initial training, a certain aggressive demeanor is utilised to keep the recruits in a state of unrest at all times. There is nothing calm about it. The idea is to break down the civilian to a point before they can be rebuilt as military personnel. It is not done personally, to hurt or destroy the recruit, it's done to assist the transition and create an effective soldier and is the fastest way to do so.
So, maybe that's one case in which anger and disorder can be fabricated to create something positive?
In certain sports a coach may fashion anger and disorder to motivate also. Boxing, MMA, full-contact sports maybe.
Just a couple of possible situations I guess. I could be wrong, although on the first one I am not.
When not to be calm?
The loss of a loved one will destroy a calm demeanor, as will the production of adrenaline in the body, that's what adrenaline is all about - The fight of flight thing.
Calm on the battlefield can be an advantage with the leadership, just as being the opposite can with the enlisted, hence all the training soldiers go through.
One wants the JTAC to be calm when he's calling in precision air strikes in danger-close situations, they are trained for it, but a soldier in a firefight will not be calm, they will be amped and simply rely on training and muscle memory to perform their job.
So, I think there's cases where it can be an advantage. Clearly there's also cases when it would be of detriment. One must know and act accordingly...But many do not.
This is just my opinion. I'm no expert on the matter.
This is comprehensive in and of itself. thank you very very much. that illustration of the military recruits during training i think sums it up perfectly. i would say its also a similar mental experience with disciplining children. its hardship and disorder and discomfort used to break down in order to rebuild properly
A good example you use here, quite right I'd say.
I'm glad my answer made sense to you and thanks for making me think a little. 😁 11:30pm here Saturday night, but I got the thinking done. ✅
I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that.. time works differently here in West Africa
All good, my brain works well at any time of the day... Usually.
That's right Australian time is 12 hours ahead of ours.. right now you are probably fast asleep as I type this..
Yep, sound asleep...But it's Sunday morning now and my feet hit the ground. It's always a good day when one wakes up. 🤣
I am that guy that operates best under nasty circumstances. When everybody else is in full panic, I flatten out and do what's necessary.
When to not be calm? I have used anger to make a point more times than I can think of. When I was coaching Jr. High football I once threw my clipboard down and screamed FUCK at the top of my lungs. Strictly against the rules and should have gotten me fired, but I had every lineman's full and complete attention for at least 10 minutes.
Nobody said a word about my indescretion :)
That's another thing to look at.. apparently it seems as though a show of chaos can get people to take you much more seriously.. Sometimes having a calm demeanor doesn't always get people's attention but a sudden burst of anger and everyone is alert and everyone is listening..
Human nature is a weird thing. And finding and controlling balance is.... Well.... Unpleasant
At the end of the day when it comes to interaction... Humans react to humans.. We've probably all dealt with these feelings so if someone displays a burst of anger we can probably relate to it and imagine or at least know that there must have been something causing it...
It won't always have the desired effect ofcourse but recognizing the emotion goes a long way..
Thanks thanks! Been a bit hectic this weekend but I'm glad I could add my 2 cents...
I like your analysis including the #nutbag.. I'll take it 😀😀😀
tokens.Adventurous? Niceee! I like adventures too but not always.
It's cool to be funny. Most times, we take life too seriously. Some guffaws are healthy and we should have them more.
Ah, a gamer! What kind of game are we talking about? Xbox? Field games? Board games?
Listener. I like that. We have many talkers these days. Not everyone wants to listen, so we treasure our listeners! 😁
Haha I felt like that was the right place to start!
I get some good energy from new things and I have the tendency to do stuff I haven't done before or because the opportunity presents it's (my version of living in the moment)...
We're talking mostly ps4 as a way to blow off some steam after work... And believe it or not keep up with my social life (my cousin and I always have or convos over a game).. And right now it's been fifa and Rocket League 😀😀😀 for the most part.
I also enjoy board games but that's more of a family thing pre pandamic... How about you?
The word we use in cricket "all rounder" means who can do everything in cricket i.e batting, bowling and fielding. So, same word goes for you as well 😛
Haha thanks!
Which reminds me of the fact that I know far too little about cricket as a sports fan...
It's very much confusing to me and I heard something about 3 days for match???
The words you wrote are typical characteristics of a perfect human 😅
Tell us about your adventures. 😁
Is this comment related to the gamer girl?
Who then
Related to you I'd say
Ahh aight...thank you for helping me out.. when I become president I'll give u 7 wives
Hahaha uhmmmm I'll take it as compliment!
But I did focus on the positive 😀...
Travel adventures mostly!
Oh and random things that come to mind, a few days ago I went on a night drive to go take some pictures of empty streets in the city.. It was around midnight so I got a few weird looks from anyone still awake...
I once climbed a mountain in Swaziland to get some sunset shots and we had to climb back down in darkness 😀...
Oh and I flew a drone off the coast on low battery.. I had to fight to get back to the beach against the wind and it just made it at 0% battery.. It shut off the second it landed... Hahah now that's some serious adventure for you right there 😂😂😂
Holy smokes.!!!! that is so Rad. 😅 I knew I won't be disappointed with your adventures. First off, you gotta show me or point me to the direction of where I can find those sunset pictures worth risking your neck for, I have no iota of doubt that they'd be worth it. Also the street photos.
Say, do you use your drone for photography or videos?
I like how you also put in your most important relations like son and brother!
wait till you see my response.. one sentence, enigmatic and precise.. that way one would never run out of words
That's of the funny thing about the exercise. Once you start it snowballs and you can't help trying to stop the momentum! Great list! It truly captures a lot of your personality or what we can see in the posts!
Thanks man! Much appreciated!
And yes, these topics are great.. Self assessments are needed from time to time!
Indeed. Once in a while we have to look inside to have a grasp of what's going on in ye ol' mindscape.
It was a little hard to come up with them!
I think I would agree to this by how I've interacted with you. Sounds right man! Cheers
Yeah it was, but it's a good self reflection exercise. Forces us to take a moment!
That's a good list with a ton of really good attributes. I hadn't thought of brother, son, friend though I am. Good for you!
Thanks for going first!
Thanks! Yeah I listed those cause I feel it's a big part of who I am...
But same goes for you! 😀
A mí me costó un poco definirme en 20 palabras, pero las que coloque definitivamente expresan lo que soy, que bien que una vez que empezaste no podías parar