CNY Day 5: Last Day before I Resume Work

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago (edited)

It is already day 5 of the Chinese Lunar New Year. I always feel time flies by fast when it comes to CNY. Let me savour the last bit of the holidays and the no need of rushing and abiding by time before I resume work tomorrow.

It is also a Sunday. My boys were extremely excited to go church today. We also had some of the extended relatives and family of our church members today like my sis-in-law's parents whom we know too. It was really good to see them.

Since we are all dressed up for church, I told myself I can only do one take of photo before we went church because we had to try to be on time as the husband is the drummer for the worship team. Wow, we did it. Just one take and it turned out to be my favorite perfect family photo. Even the secondborn was awed by it that we only needed to do once hahha. Usually we needed to try maybe four shots?

Anyway took some other photos in church too when the baby was in the mood. She didn't want to smile with me but she pouted her lips like usual.

However when she was with her dad, she smiled!

She woke up later today before church so she ended up did not nap at all in church where she usually does take a short 45 minute nap. She was shouting and protesting whenever I tried putting her nap in the carrier.

Took some group photos with church friends as well as with 2 girls who were coincidentally wearing the similar type of layered skirts with my baby girl too.

My son also took photos with his friends.

Love this pair of Chinese style shoes which I bought for RM15!!! I almost forgot about them as I had bee wearing sneakers my whole CNY so far. My friend called it the Cinderella shoes. Hahaha!

So we quickly went home after packing lunch. I thought she would be cranky and wanted to nap but she could still play for a while.

So I took more photos of her first outfit of the day. She has many cheongsam tops this year. Some were given and I bought 2, we ended up with 6 or 7 of them. But it is ok because she looks good in them.

This was her 2nd outfit of the day when we stayed home.

Then she napped for almost 3.5 hours I think. My secondary school friend came for a visit. So we had some catch up with my children keep interrupting in between.

My baby girl grew quite fond of my friend and she sat with my friend for a very long time. I didnt expect her to click with my friend that easily because she is is at the state of recognizing and choosing people to be close with.

My friend could even take photos with filters with her, literally wow!

So the day 5 of CNY has ended and I am going back to reality as work resumes tomorrow. But first, let's just treasure and be grateful for so many family moments.


Happy New Year to you and your family.
Nice shoes. I hope the baby's foot taste good. haha