Having Dogs Is A Lifestyle

It's been a long time since @galenkp's weekend engagement had such an easy topic for me among the topics. Anyone who has followed me a little bit will not be surprised by the choice I made. Dogs or cats, what do you choose?

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I Love Dogs And Cats

Now I have to say that as an animal lover, I also think cats are absolutely amazing animals. Their graceful movements, quirky characters, and intense looks can say so much without words. Cats are beautiful and photogenic animals. But for me, there has never been any doubt about which animal I want in my home. That has always been a dog since I was a child. As a child, I didn't have a dog, but I nagged my parents to let me have a dog. But why? I never asked myself why I wanted a dog. It was just a fact. When I didn't have a pet yet and was thinking about getting one, there was not even a moment of doubt. Did it cross my mind to have a cat? Definitely! But for many reasons, I choose a dog over a cat. I’m just more of a dog person than a cat person. For me, it has everything to do with the daily interactions, the company, and the bond I build with my dog. I feel like dogs bring something to the table that cats don’t. And that makes all the difference for me.

The Emotional Bonding With A Dog

The bond you build with a dog is indescribable, but that deep feeling is for me the most important and special aspect of having a dog. In my opinion, you have to ‘work’ a bit more with a cat to get your cat’s attention, whereas a dog always focuses on you. Dogs are unconditionally loyal and naturally focused on their owner. They look at you, listen to you and many dogs have a natural will to please. They love nothing more than to make you happy. The natural character of almost every dog ​​creates a kind of emotional bond that, in my opinion, is less likely to be created with cats. Don't get me wrong, you can certainly build a nice bond with cats, but a cat will always work more independently and will become less attached to people than a dog. At least that's my idea.

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With a dog, you are also much more intensively involved because of the dog's ability to learn. And the training you do with a dog is a good example of that bond. By working together intensively a lot, you get to know your dog inside and out. When we still had four dogs, I could even hear which dog was moving without looking. If all four of them barked, I could tell exactly from the bark which dog had started, what the reason was, and whether all four dogs thought there was "something". For example, we had a dog with Lana who often barked because a car was driving past more slowly than normal. Rowan and Myla didn't think this was a problem as long as the car didn't stop there, but they still started barking along with Lana for the fun of it. Lex didn't think it was a problem at all, and he never barked along in such situations either. But if Lex barked once, I knew for sure that I had to go and check, because then something was wrong. If Rowan started barking, it was also necessary to check. And if Myla started barking, it was an emergency. She only barked first if, for example, someone was already inside, OR if Lex and Rowan threatened to get into a fight. By spending so much time intensively with the dogs, you get to know them so well. This is of course also the other way around. A dog learns your habits, senses your mood, and reacts to it. I think that learning ability and involvement are really fantastic. I certainly believe that cats can learn too, but the difference in character is big here. Cats are more independent, they have their own agenda. It is not for nothing that they say: “Dogs have owners, cats have staff.”

The Value Of Daily Routine And Excercise

Another important reason for me why I will choose a dog as long as I can is that without a dog I would not even go outside every day, and certainly not go for a walk. That may sound a bit strange, but it's true. We live in a remote area, I have no job, few social contacts, and therefore little reason to go out every day. Having a dog forces me to go outside every day, which is extremely important for my physical and mental health. I am prone to gloom and depression, and I know that fresh air and walking are very effective against that. I admit that having four dogs may have been a bit excessive to meet this need, although it was super fun! Without a dog, things would definitely go wrong, after the loss of Lex, Rowan, Lana & Myla we now only have Skipper. And fortunately, he also makes sure that I stay active on his own. He will be 6 next month and his need for exercise and taking it out several times a day ensures that I get fresh air and exercise every day. This certainly helps me to keep gloom and depression at bay. Although it sometimes sounds very tempting that you don't have to take a cat out, and therefore don't have to walk through the pouring rain, I know that for me, it is better to go out into the rain with the dog instead of curling up on the couch with the cat.


In addition, in my opinion, dogs are more sociable animals, and they are always ready for action. Skipper doesn't care whether I decide to go for a long walk or just hang up the washing, he happily walks along with me. He is always ready to join in, even with the simplest tasks. It's not that he follows me around all day long with everything I do, but when I invite him to help, he is there. That gives a feeling of company and involvement that I would miss with cats. A cat would probably lie quietly on a windowsill somewhere and observe me but without the same urge to actively participate in daily life.

Dogs Are Always Involved

Dogs radiate energy, character, and emotion in almost every situation. Skipper can be standing in the middle of a field, his ears in the wind, with an intense look in his eyes, but he is still paying attention to me. The active nature of dogs means that they are always involved in what I am doing. That constant presence is something I really appreciate. With cats it is different; they are more independent and often decide for themselves when they want attention. That independence is certainly charming, but for me, the bond with a dog feels deeper and more involved.


Staying Active With A Dog

As I said, having a dog forces you to keep moving every day, which helps me to stay mentally and physically healthy. But the daily walks, playing, and training also give structure to my day. Not entirely unimportant to me. But apart from that, the activity outside with Skipper also helps to stimulate my creativity. When I go out with him I often see moments to photograph. Because of him, I go to places where I would not go without a dog. And that also provides new inspiration.

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Having A Dog Is A Lifestyle

Having one or more dogs is not only good for the company, but it certainly also helps to maintain a healthier, more active lifestyle. I would experience that less quickly with a cat, precisely because cats are much more independent and do not need daily walks. Although I certainly think cats are great animals, I always choose a dog in my own life. Having a dog is more than just having a pet. Having a dog is a lifestyle. It is also a mutual relationship of trust and care that, for me, keeps the balance in my life.


Wow, that's a lot of reasons why you chose a dog. I think the same as you, the bond we form with our dog is indescribable and unbreakable. Cats are more outdoorsy, the attachment is far from us. Greetings.

What a beautiful post declaring your love for dogs in general and your dogs in particular. It radiates your passion for them. Now all I want to know is: Who is who? And which one is Skipper? 😁

Thank you for your visit and your comment. Let's start with the dogs... who's who? The first picture you see is of the white German Shepherd. His name is Rowan. My white angel. He came into my life as a puppy and gave me 11 years of love and joy. In 2019 we had to let him cross the rainbow bridge because of an anal gland tumor. The second picture is Lex, he was the sweetest dog ever. He had to wait five long years in the shelter until my partner found him there and at the age of six he was finally allowed to enjoy his golden basket. Lex was with us for almost 10 more years until we had to let him go in 2018 due to a stomach torsion at almost 16 years old.

Then in the third picture, you see three dogs. The only dog ​​in this picture that lived with us is the black Dutch Shepherd sitting on the bench. Her name was Lana, and our beautiful Lana was a super smart, sweet, happy but feisty girl. She was like that until her last day. She turned 13 and went to Lex and Rowan over the Rainbow Bridge in February 2024. She had breast cancer.

Next up is the German Shepherd who looks at you happily with a ball in his mouth. That's our super sweet Skipper! He will be six in November. His character can be described as sweet but also a bit anxious, he seems to have autistic traits and can show some fear and aggression towards other dogs. What he has been through is unknown, he was one and a half when we got him. Fortunately, he has already improved a lot, and we continue to work together on even more improvement.

And then the last photo, that's Lana and Rowan, you have already seen them. And in the middle my little Belgian Shepherd princess Myla. Our dearest social girl. Cheerful, intuitive, and sensitive. Unfortunately, we also had to let her go over the rainbow bridge in March 2024 due to old age and the associated and increasingly severe ailments. She was increasingly confronted with Geriatric Vestibular Syndrome and the last time she couldn't figure it out. Then it's time to make the decision, no matter how much it hurts.

Another half blog has been written, but a simple explanation of who is who just won't do. They have all been so important to me and still are.

Thank you so much for sharing your and your dogs' story with me. That is so sweet of you. And such a wonderful family of dogs you had and still have. Skipper looks like the splitting image of a friend's German shepherd when we were growing up in Germany. Rowan indeed also looks like an angel and Lana, somehow I would have sworn their is a bit of Doberman in her but Dutch shepherd it is. Lex has got the look that makes me want to give him tons of cuddles hugs. And last but not least, Myla, her white blaze (on the chest) reminds me of the boxer that I grew up with, very sweet.

Thank you for making me smile throughout reading your post(s).

When I saw your cover, I loved your post.
I love shepherds, I had one that lasted 11 years of black coat, it was the most beautiful experience that I could appreciate.
They are the most sensitive, intuitive and intelligent canine guides in the world, the bond that crosses over the years, is like blood itself.
Their look speaks for itself, they are the best companion without a doubt.
Their absence hurts, I would like to buy one but in Venezuela they are very expensive, it is in my life plans, to have them as a baby again.

Beautiful dogs you have. I love big dogs, Labrador retrievers are my favourite breed and German Shepherds. But I must admit that I love my mongrel dog, she is so smart! And we have such a beautiful bond.
Yes, it's a way of life. And they become very close family, very dear, indispensable.

I recently saw something on Instagram that made me laugh, it said that if you have low self-esteem you definitely can't have a cat! hahaha... better have a dog who will always be focused on you and for whom you will be the most important and unique thing hahaha.....

The more I get to know humans, the more I love my dog ​​because sometimes humans nowadays are more scary than the dog itself😭😭😭 @hetty-rowan

One of the beautiful differences between dogs and humans is that dogs live without malice. They don’t possess the conscious intent to harm others, whereas humans, with our complex minds, are capable of choices. Some of which can, unfortunately, lead to harm.

Dogs make excellent companions and are often more assertive than humans. There was a Czech actor who used to say: "the more I get to know the human being, the more I love my dog".
Although, I particularly love the Labrador breed, these that you present are beautiful dogs. Thanks for sharing. Happy weekend. Cheers and best regards.

I absolutely get the saying "The more I get to know the human being, the more I love my dog". I feel exactly the same.

Many people love the labrador and golden retrievers because they are known as being friendly and great family dogs. I have loved German Shepherds all my life, ever since I was a child. Rowan, the white German Shepherd in the pictures, was the first dog I bought. Myla, the malinois, standing in the middle of the last photo, was the dog bought by my sis that I took over because she couldn't handle her. That was my first experience of how rewarding it is to take over a rehomed dog. Although Myla was not a rehomed dog in the sense that she did not know me and I did not know her before I became her owner. I had known her since she was a small puppy.

My partner has always chosen to get dogs that are difficult to place, the so-called long-termers, from the shelter. Lex, the old German Shepherd in the picture, was 6 years old when he got him from the shelter after Lex had been in the shelter for 5 years. Lana, the black Dutch Shepherd, was 3 years old when we got her from the shelter with the necessary behavioral problems.

Because so many people like retriever dogs, they are relatively rarely found in shelters, and if they are there, they are gone relatively quickly. They are easy to place. This is a different story for Shepherd dogs. They often end up in shelters due to bad choices by people, and often stay there for a long time. That is why our dogs are almost always Shepherd dogs.

Skipper, the German Shepherd with a ball in his mouth, is another rehoming dog with the necessary behavioral problems. Created by people who have no idea how to raise a shepherd, and therefore unfortunately ruin the dog.

Your love for these animals is admirable.
I love German Shepherds, but, I could only have one and it was a long time ago.
Thank you for the beautiful work you do with your wife.
Happy Saturday.

Lol, thanks for your compliments ... but a little correction. I am the wife in our case and my partner is a man.

Happy Saturday to you too

A thousand apologies. Happy Saturday. Cheers and best regards.

I love your sentence, having a dog is a lifestyle. ☺️It's true, and like you said, because of them, we need to go outside. My girl isn't so young anymore, so she doesn't like long walks. After 10 minutes, she wants to go back home. Are those your dogs in the photos?

Almost all the dogs in the pictures have lived with us. The only two dogs that were not ours were the two Dutch Shepherds standing on the bench.

The white German Shepherd in the pictures is Rowan, my angel. The German Shepherd that looks at you so cutely with his tilted head is Lex, one of the sweetest dogs ever. The black Dutch Shepherd in the pictures is Lana, an incredibly sweet but very feisty girl until her last day. The Belgian Shepherd in the middle of the last picture is Myla, my little princess. And lastly, the German Shepherd with a ball in his mouth is Skipper, a great dog, protective, loyal, and faithful but unfortunately with a backpack from his past.

In 2018, Lex died of a stomach torsion, he was almost 16 years old. In 2019, we had to let Rowan go as a result of an anal gland tumor. Unfortunately, he did not get older than 11 years old. February 2024, the clock stopped ticking for Lana. Breast cancer. And in March 2024, just a month after we had to let Lana go, we had to let Myla cross the rainbow bridge. She had just turned 15 and as a result of old age, she had to deal with Vestibular Syndrome every time, which she did not recover from the last time. We had to make the heartbreaking decision to let her go too.

So now we only have Skipper left. He will be 6 next month (November).


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