My second gift would be for@scubahead who I've seen stoically persevere through this year trying to keep his dive shop vigorous and keep his spirits up. So far he's holding it down, which makes me happy.
My gift for him would be to organize a fully booked, double rate dive tour for his shop thst lasted a solid month that would keep his business comfortable to keep him and his employees in the black until the tourism and dive economy recovers fully.
Also, id fully stock his bar outright.
Thanks for all the posts you do and for always giving me a bit of light on what were normally for me very dark days.
awwwww shucks. Cheers Dave!
and company, and I'm sure Scuba would be very happy for both as he's lost a few blokes from his cadre. The only shit thing is that you haven't invited me don't worry, I'll turn up anyway, carton (case) of Great Northern under one arm and the biggest bag of fucking corn chips under the other...And a cheesecake...Always cheesecake right Scuba?Come on dude, that month-long dive booking...Fully stocked bar? I'm not sure how much diving you and @scubahead will get up to. Still, it's a nice gift, the gift of a booking
cheesecake is mandatory! hmmm thats got me thinking I may have that when i break my 16 hour fast hmmmmmm cheeeeeeesecaaaaake
Stop it! Oh shit man, too late...Now I want some.
WTF is with the fasting? Sounds shit.
Sammi Jo says She would chip in for a treadmill for him to exercise on...
i do lol. But I've been off the booze 17 days and intermittent fasting 16-8 so getting back into shape baby ;)
tokens.What a wonderful gift to a wonderful man. Nicely done!