Sorry for being so late with the reveal for this weeks Tall Tales. I came down with the oddest sickness over the weekend and just got better yesterday. On top of that I've just started gull time work again. But I'm back baby!
So I'd like to thank all those that participated in this weeks games. To @bigtom13 @galenkp @sunitahive @cmplxty thank you so much for playing along. Folks like you are what make Hive a great community.
So on to the reveal!
Did Dave run into a puma in the dark desolate desert one night? Did jack nicholson ignore his plight amd leave him without aid when his car was dangling off a cliff. Was he held captive by hillbillies when he stumbled across their nefarious drug operation?
Galenkp has called Dave's bluff! The answer is story number three. I have not been held hostage by hillbillies in the woods!
For the bonus round. Nobody got it right! The answer is that I truly do like to sword fight using the stick as a makeshift sabre. I actually have learned filipino kali which is a mixture of indigenous south east asian and european sword fighting. I can do scary things with a live sword. Well any blade really. Although with a stick i look like a total dork.
Thanks again guys for playing along. I'll be doing another one for this weekend. I have some good stories this time around.
First AR-15 I saw in civilian hands was up in remote NE Washington. I was looking for my sister's place and got confused by 'turn on the third graveled road on the right.' Guys didn't threaten me particularly just asked politely what the fuck I was doing there. I told 'em who I was looking for and they told me how to get there. They also told me to turn around right there, go no farther. I did :)
So. Jack Nicholson is an asshole. This is my surprised face.
I really meant to come back and play the game last week and well, I didn't. I'll do better this week.
As much as I wanted the hillbilly story to be true I knew it was just wishful thinking on your part! 🤣
Haha. I've got enough hillbillies around these parts already. Actually the moonshine aint bad. Used to have a coworker who'd make it in his basement. Would sell you a litte of his seasonal blend for 20 bucks. Hed just bring it to work the next day in a giant mason jar.
Gotta love a hillbilly. Ours are different but, in essence, the same.
Dont get me started on methed out bogans.
Lol...Yeah, there's a few of them...I mean the bushy's though.
Ah damn that’s great! I would have thought the hill billy story was plausible but it’s crazy that old jack couldn’t care less to help someone at least calla tow truck.
I stumbled onto someone’s grow operation once and as soon as I saw what it was I high tailed it the hell out of there. I wanted nothing to do with that! This was back before it was legal to grow cannabis in your yard here in Taxachusetts.
Ive actually come across a few in california back in the early 2000s. They were all amateur set ups though.