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RE: Helping my Wife Leave a Memory at her School

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Thank you.
Yes, it is a pity. Schools keep losing their best teachers. You can't press professionals to stay in low-pay jobs just "for the kids". Vocation alone cannot build a strong education system.
I know that for these two teachers leaving is a painful decision, but they must survive, raise their children, be healthy, and enjoy a life. Teaching, like many other professions have been stigmatized as "devotion" or "sacrifice". That has been suicidal for every country that keeps their teachers under poverty line.

On a different subject, I never played twister, but I've seen people playing it and it looks fun.


It is a sad situation, but teachers have every right to live in dignity and to provide themselves with a good quality of life and the teaching profession is so undervalued that it is becoming more and more impossible to practice it.

Twister is a lot of fun even for grown-ups. :)