Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 180. I decided on the following alternative:Greetings dear friends, I hope you are having a great weekend. I could not resist and make my participation for this week, the topic proposed by @galenkp is one of my favorites,
We all like to spend extra time with our pets over the weekend - Introduce us to your pet and tell us something about it. Someone else's pet will work if you don't have one but remember to use your own potos.
I had promised myself, "no more pets after the death of my beloved Blacky", but a little angel came into my life, dressed in white, in fact, I call her angel, but wait, that's not her name, her name is Doll. They say dogs choose us, not the other way around, and I believe it's true. Being a volunteer helping dogs in street conditions, I was waiting for my protégé to give her food and water, that night my vision confused who I was waiting for and I gave food to a little dog, she was scared and very hungry.
The next day, she was still here, at first I did not know if it was female or male, she crept up on me, somewhat fearful, but I continued to give her food for several days, besides giving her shelter on rainy days and with lots of sun, but only that, I had sworn not to have more pets. Eventually, we became friends. When I realized she was in heat, I knew she wasn't that much of a puppy, so I, knowing what she would suffer, kept her locked in my yard for 20 days and never let her go again. Since mid 2019, Muñeca has a new home, she is happy, playful, friendly, affectionate and a great eater.
When Muñe came into my life she had a puppy body, so I assume she would have been about 5 or 6 months old before her first heat. She was friends with my protégé until my protégé left us and went to the rainbow. Doll does not like loud sounds, or pyrotechnics, when she hears these noises she cries and goes under my bed, she feels safe there. Doll has become my faithful companion, she always accompanies me at home, while I work on my laptop she lies near my feet and when I watch TV she sits in the armchair next to me, that armchair is hers, although sometimes she takes my seat.
On holidays when fireworks reign, she sleeps under my bed and if she wants to go to the bathroom she gets up and goes to my bed to wake me up. She has taught herself to go out in the garden and to relieve herself, she takes me to the door so I can open it for her. Doll is a lot of fun, she loves to play with everyone in the house, but she is also a good watchdog, always on the lookout for any noise. She is loyal, she never forgets who gave her food or gave her a caress, that's why she loves my neighbors, who sometimes gave her something to eat and affection, Muñeca always knows how to thank. My dog is very affectionate, she has a good character, she is obedient (sometimes), she doesn't like to have her picture taken or to be bathed, but in the end she listens. She is a very good eater, it is very funny to see her spinning around when I am going to put her food.
I feel very grateful that this little angel came into my life and even though she doesn't understand and looks at me with those tender eyes, I always tell her "it's good that you came into my life and now you live here". I had promised myself not to have any more pets because it is very hard to see them go. Some time ago I read a letter from a dog to his human, it was a farewell, where he thanked him for his time, love and attention, he asked him "don't cry" and said "thank you for everything". I think so, they are satisfied with so little and that is why they will always love you. In the letter he told her "don't swear you won't have another dog, because you will deny affection to one that like me will need it, I was happy thanks to you".
Thanks for Reading
All photos are original, taken with my Xiaomi Redmi 9 cell pone
What a beautiful Doll and how lucky you both are to have found each other and now have each other.
I know very well that feeling of not wanting to have more pets, my first kitten died very young and I refused to have another one but because of life, another one came into my life although now he is not here either, but well, they will always be in my heart.
Hello, thank you for your words and for understanding. Yes, it is so, they leave us, but we will always have a place for them in our heart. Greetings.
Greetings @hylene74 how nice that the theme of the week 180 allows us to meet again in this community, no doubt Doll stole more than your chair, she also stole the heart of everyone in your home, the dogs and puppies leave us a big void when they leave, each one has its character or "personality" and in its own way leave traces in our lives, the biggest lie we can say to ourselves is to say "No more dogs in my life", I confess, you made me cry, you can't imagine how many furry ones I have seen leave, I am filled with sadness just thinking that someday the time will come to say goodbye to Camila Antonieta (12 years old), China Estefanía (10 years old) or Tunky José (9 years old), that trio gives structure to my days, my daily routine revolves around them. Hugs, I hope to keep reading you. 🤗🤗🤗
Hi Ysa, it is true that we have in common the love for animals. You cried reading and I cried writing, in my life album I have had to see many of them leave and now I also think of Doll, so I understand you perfectly. Thanks for reading and leaving me your nice comment. Regards.
We owe each other a coffee, we have many things in common and HIVE becomes the perfect scenario to "get together" to share and strengthen bonds beyond the screen, remember everything has its time and space just like puppies, we come to the lives of others to learn-teach them something, I have a lot to learn from your experience in hive and I think that in return I can share with you a little bit of my "madness", pending @yeceniacarolina can attest that "I'm a character" but above that I have a big heart in my chest (so big that I'm an amateur, but here we go) hahahaha Take care, while the coffee doesn't arrive, I'll keep reading you here.
Aceptado ese café, vamos a ponernos de acuerdo, @yeceniacarolina incluida, jeje. Saludos bella.
You set the date that @yeceniacaeolina can't resist a Coffee, from Monday to Thursday I can flex my schedule at will, but Friday and Saturday I have full classes and I'm not even here for my mom.