Back to Sao Luis Feirinha (this Time with Beautiful Friends)

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

More than a week ago, I posted about my first visit to Sao Luis Feirinha. I loved the place and wanted to come back. So, last Sunday, I joined a few friends and went back to the fair.

I wanted to share with you some pictures. Some of them I loved. I think they may have some artistic beauty.



I love these colonial houses.
This is the gang


I met most of them because of my boyfriend. He left town now, but the friendship remained.


There was so much food!


I loved this picture. It feels like we are in another place, in another time.


I tried a mojito. I must confess I could not finish it.
The bag reads: Will you have another chance if you leave it for later?
I want to think I can have other chances to drink better drinks.


This is my favorite picture of the day. This street leads to the downtown area. It may not look as festive or elegant, but it has something, some beauty that I could not resist.


Thanks for stopping by. See you next time


Hive gif.gif


What a great way to spend Sunday, I love coloured buildings and those looked cool.
I am guessed you were not impressed with the mojito!

 3 years ago  

No, I was not 🙃
I guess it's not my kind of drink. They had a great variety of drinks, though. The historic district of Sao Luis is amazing. I did a post some time ago showing some incredibly preserved colonial buildings

Oh I need to go and look at your feed for that post then. I like a mojiti if it has been well made!

 3 years ago  

Just in case, here's the post. It took me a while to find it. It was older than I thought. Time flies

Gracias Abby, I actually looked last night and did not see it jaja

What beautiful streets and colors are wonderful those moments with friends, you know the colorful architecture of the traditional houses there where you enjoyed a lot like the warmth of the traditional houses of Maracaibo.

They all look very relaxed and living in their own time and to the rhythm of the zamba ....

Life is to live it now @imabby17 .

I wish you many blessings, life and health for your life.

 3 years ago  

Yes, these streets remind me of the colonial houses in Ciudad Bolívar or Cumaná. Brazil shares many things with us (even if they had their Portuguese and French influence).
My best wishes for you too. 🤗

I loved the pictures and you look like you had a really good time.

With friends life is more fun!

 3 years ago  

It is. I had been feeling very depressed lately. They made my day
Thanks for stopping by