[Week 146] What you need to hear: An expression from my heart to my reason.


Maybe things are not going as planned or you thought you were doing what you thought was right, but everything became different and at this point you feel bad, down and somewhat guilty, but I just wanted you to know that you do not have to fear, that there are times when things get complicated, that sadness invades our soul, but the time will come when everything will pass, things will calm down and your heart will find the peace it needs so much. You have been the support of many and maybe you have never been given your fair value, it is time to think about you, to be kind to you, not to lash out at you, not to deny your emotions and learn to see the good in every situation.

Dare to simply let life take its course, do not want to control everything, when this is really impossible, live in gratitude and do not feel guilty for anything or anyone, you must forgive yourself and let go of those emotional burdens that have somehow clouded your spirit. The limit is set by you, in some moments you have become your worst enemy, who judges herself fiercely and has no mercy on herself, you will see that tomorrow will be better, but while it comes, live your present, the here and now without any fear.


You must internalize all that lies in you and realize that the solution is not to feel that you have failed, but to get up and continue, to be reborn as the phoenix, so you can shine your own light that you have unwittingly extinguished. See in the present an opportunity to take your life to another level, one in which you feel more connected with you, where you cultivate every day more well-being and smile more often, you have forgotten to be happy not only in appearance but in essence.

In short, be happy, start to shine and do not be afraid, everything will be fine.

This is my entry for the weekend engagement proposed by @galenkp.

Thank you for reading and appreciating my writing

Photographs taken with my Tecno camon 18p cell phone.


You are right, sometimes in life we ​​have to forgive ourselves because many things we have done make us feel guilty about ourselves.

I definitely believe that forgiving ourselves somehow frees us. Thank you for sharing and taking the time to read me.

Blessings @aquagelas 🤗✨🌟🙂🙏🏻🙏🏻

You're welcome, sister 😊

in some moments you have become your worst enemy, who judges herself fiercely and has no mercy on herself

I'm definitely guilty of this. Sometimes, it feels right to judge yourself fiercely and maybe push yourself to the extreme. But I found out the hard way that putting too much pressure in yourself isn't so good afterall.

I understand you perfectly, sometimes we are so hard on ourselves that when the time comes it really affects us.

Thank you for reading me. Have a great weekend @wongi 🙂🌻🌟✨

Do have a wonderful weekend too✨

@indumukhi thank you for this wonderful words, it has encouraged me.

Yes! Life happens, the times of hurt and pain will come but we must remember that it too will pass..

We just pray for strength in these moments..

Blessings dear friend

I'm so glad you were encouraged by my writing. Blessings to you as well.

Thanks for sharing @bernice001 🙂🌻🙏🏻🤗🌺

This made me realise that life isn't really that complicated. We just have to let it take it's course, remind ourselves that it's okay not to always be in control of everything that happens in our life, learn to live in gratitude, be able to forgive and to let go of the burdens.

This must be a "method" for living a happy life after all. 😊

Thanks for sharing, I needed to hear this too! 🌟🌺

Thanks to you for taking the time to read me. It's always good to know that our experiences help others.

Blessings @humbe 🌻🙏🏻🙂🤗🌺