Week 155: Maybe I am a coward and selfish.

Happy weekend my dear friends!, this weekend if full of plans that include cleaning, moving but with music and beer to make it fun.

Today I will answer two questions from the suggestions made by @galenkp.

Die before your partner, or after?



At present I am alone, perhaps one day I won't be, and if so, my answer is a bit selfish: I would choose to die before him.

Recently my cousin was widowed, I saw her accompany him during his illness, I saw her collapse from helplessness, cry for a miracle and then faint at the imminent departure of her husband.

I saw them cry without consolation, I saw them embrace their daughters and cry together over and over again, they would lose consciousness and start again. There are no words you can say to comfort and try to fill that void left in the chest.

My cousin loved and was loved, she will no longer wake up next to her beloved, she will not be able to hear his voice or feel his hands.

I don't want to experience that pain, to have to continue breathing, to return to an empty room and sleep without giving her a kiss. Because time keeps ticking away the seconds, and there are no other options but to go on, as if nothing has happened, as if that person doesn't matter if he or she is there or not, because the world doesn't stop for any of us.

I am selfish because I prefer my loved one to be the one who has to experience this goodbye, just because I don't feel capable nor do I want to be the one to go through this bitter pill.

Maybe more than selfish you can call me a coward.

Being able to pause your life or rewind it?



Answering this question honestly is not so easy without feeling a little guilty, especially when you have children. It would end up sounding like you regret having them.

My daughters are the most important thing in my life, the most beautiful thing I have and the most meaningful thing I could have done in this life.

But if somehow being able to rewind my life and make other decisions is an idea that flirts with me, and has flirted with me on many occasions.

The best way would be to go back in time and change everything but becoming his mother again. That would mean staying single, but single with a different career, single without allowing so much damage to myself, single but with a visa, single but with self-respect, single but with a car.

If our destiny is already written and what happens is part of your mission in the earthly world maybe it won't change much to rewind my life. But I would start by studying what I really wanted and listen to my instinct and stay away from people I know will only hurt me without waiting for a miracle to happen.

I already put my life on pause once and I wouldn't do it again. I lost years, valuable time that I can never get back.


Edited in Powerpoint</sub<


Life experiences that have made you what you are today, a mother, a brave woman, because it is not easy to be a single mother, that is not assumed by anyone, only by the warriors of life. I am one of those who think that everything has its reasons for being and that everything happens good or bad, so that you take the positive from it all. Greetings!

Greetings my dear, I hope you are well. Being a single mother is full of joys, but also a lot of loneliness. Even when you have your children around, there are things you feel or need to express, but not to them. I think the hardest part is that, being alone with your thoughts for so long and only counting on you to get through all aspects of parenting and home.

It really is an issue, because apart from being moms we are women and apart from being most of the time among children sometimes, it makes us to hide our personal space that is always necessary to have ... greetings my dear @isgledysduarte 🌼

I do not think this is cowardly, it's protective of yourself and how you feel and, to be completely honest, I feel the same way as losing a partner can be a terrible and heartbreaking thing.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this difficult topic.

Hello, nice to greet you. Thank you for understanding, so far I have faced family losses, and breakups, and big pains. Even more so would be to say goodbye to a reciprocal and loyal love. Yet loving and feeling loved will always be worth it. I admire people who can do that.

 2 years ago (edited) 

It's unfortunate you've had losses but like you say, there's more positives than negatives to love despite the pain it comes with sometimes.