Sunday Painting in Monochromatic Blue to Ease my Mind and Celebrating Mother's Day in France

in Weekend Experiences9 months ago
Authored by @iTravelRox

Hi, WE community! About two weeks ago, I shared in a previous article about drinking too much coffee, making me restless until Sunday morning. That's why I published that article about my self-talk of what was going on in my mind.

After publishing, I decided to paint using one color in blue. Indeed, painting is such a therapeutic activity. Because of the color blue, painting the Alps and some pine trees, helped me to calm down.


It was a quick painting and I just searched a reference photo from Pinterest. I realized I never used this color so much. I am thinking of doing another monochromatic painting for practice.

After doing this painting, I was able to have a good sleep though late. And I had to wake up after few hours because my parents-in-law were arriving. I started disconnecting away from Hive because I was busy preparing for our children's baptismal celebration on the 1st of June.

Mother's Day in France

Mother's Day in France was on May 26 which turned out to be a Sunday.

After waking up, my son gave me a gift he made at school together with his teacher. I fell in love with the gift because it is so minimalist and I arranged a few flowers for this cute vase.


That's why I featured these photos together with the monochromatic painting and handmade gift from my son because everything was so cute.


I kept on admiring this gift and took several photos from different angles. Hehe! The roses and the wildflowers came from my MIL's garden.

Now I know what to do when I overthink.

Do a monochromatic painting and admire my little flower arrangement of this handmade vase.

A Simple Mother's Day Celebration in France

Mother's Day in the Philippines was celebrated on May 12 so my sister greeted me on that day through Messenger. I saw a lot of moms receive expensive gifts from their kids and husbands.

In France, Mother's Day was celebrated after two weeks. I never asked for any gift from my kids or my husband. I am just happy to take photos of my kids growing up and healthy.

This handmade gift from my son is really special and I was very touched when I received it. He also admired the flower arrangements I did and he was very proud to show it to his grandparents upon arrival on Sunday evening.


What a wonderful painting and handmade gift your son gave you! He's so adorable.

Thank you so much. ang cute nga eh. :D