Am I an Idiot? 🤔 - Weekend-Engagement 238

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago (edited)

Am I an idiot?

What a complex question. If I were to analyze it, I guess you could say that there are two types of idiots: those who do idiotic things, and those who are treated like idiots. I think I fall into the second category.

Just at the end of this year, I find myself being treated like one. These last two weeks have been a learning experience. About who deserves your kindnesses and who does not.

These days I find myself again with the phrase of loving my friends more than my own family. It seems that the saying is true and it is family that screws up your life.

I can say that now I am alone, and that thanks to my own abilities I will be able to survive this stage where I had to get out of my comfort zone after listening to those people who offered their help and now left me to my fate.

I have been fortunate to have learned to do things that help me get ahead. I have been able to keep my expenses in order and not waste money. I have been able to invest in order to generate. That way I know that I will be able to continue in spite of adversities.

But every cloud has a silver lining. Am I an idiot? Maybe I am. Maybe I was an idiot for once again believing that things would be different and they turned out to be the same as always.