Hello, guys!
Did you enjoy Valentine's Day?
It's funny to say that I actually did.
That's the reason I chose this topic.
Let's get to the point then.
If life is good at something, it's in putting you through experiences that you used to dislike.
When I graduated as a teacher, I never thought that I'd be able to teach because I used to say that I had no patience and I didn't like kids at all. However, I've always been surrounded by kids my entire life. That was surely a good thing, I guess.
When I started teaching last year in a high school, I was terrified because teenagers aren't like when I was a teen. Do you get me?
With technology and this new era, kids are more abusive and disrespectful. Nevertheless, it may be because I have seen so many teenagers series, or the fact that I've been surrounded by kids that I get to understand them and even like them.
I gained their trust in four months, and I have never been so popular in a place. Being called the favorite teacher is meaningful in so many ways. I guess I'm not so bad in what I do. Beside, it's nice because I've been helping them in the understanding of this reality that some of them have missed because some have been immersed in social media.
And this Valentine's Day was a good one, I received gifts from them, so many hugs and lots of nice words.
And if that's not enough, I've also been adopted as the mom of one of the students of one of my classes. A cute girl that it actually looks like my daughter.
The one wearing glasses is my adopted daughter.
And this way, I started to like them and care about them to the point that I gave them pep talks so they could reflect and be conscious of life.