In the middle of last year, I had started an activity that kept me somewhat fit, both physically and mentally. I had started walking and jogging at my local sports center.
At first, I found it strange, it was the first time I started doing any physical activity and I didn't like the fact that I was surrounded by people. But, little by little, I forgot about it and went every day to do this routine that helped me to clear my mind.
At that time, I was a sedentary person, and the fact that I was not doing any kind of exercise was affecting me. My knees were hurting and I was having anxiety crises because of the confinement. Then the rains came and I had to stop. Then I made two trips that I could not postpone, and finally, laziness got the better of me.
But now I have decided to take up this activity again because I feel it helps me a lot. As I walk, ideas for writing come to my mind, and although my route is the same, I can say that every day I find something different.
I can no longer go to the sports center because it is too far from home and the bus fare has increased overnight. However, the route I decided to take is the same route I take when I go to my friend's house, which makes it even more flattering because it's a route I'm used to, and it takes me at least an hour each way.
Today I can say that it felt good to be outside and feel some sun and breeze on my skin.
Great to hear that you've decided to resume your physical activity routine of walking and jogging, which helped you both physically and mentally. It's understandable that starting out in a public setting may have been uncomfortable at first, but it's great that you persevered and eventually found it to be a routine that helps you clear your mind. It's important to prioritize physical activity, especially if you're typically sedentary, as it can have a positive impact on your overall health and wellbeing. It's great that you're finding inspiration for your writing during your walks, and even though you take the same route, you're able to find something different every day. It's unfortunate that you're unable to return to your local sports center due to distance and cost, but it's great that you found a familiar route that still allows you to get some exercise.
Yes. It's a good thing, it relaxes me and when I put on my headphones with my playlist, I let myself enjoy the moment. Another thing that I discovered while walking is that it's healing, and sometimes cathartic.