The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. The Weekend Challenge

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)


initiative by @galenkp


If you could find out the answer or solve any mystery on the planet what would it be and why would you like unravel it's secrets.

The Bermuda Triangle

From the deepest depths of the unfathomable ocean comes the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.Yes, we’re talking strange disappearances, unusual phenomena and eerie hauntings.

It’s a strange place, replete with mystery, magic and even an ancient tale to add to its legendary allure (if you can call it that)

Ships like the Witchcraft (no, the name is no joke) simply disappeared without trace, in calm seas on a windless day. Others like the “Mary Celeste”, were found completely intact, but devoid of human life; the crew had disappeared, as if by magic. The USS Cyclops with 309 people on board set sail across these treacherous seas, but was never heard of again (no distress signal was ever recorded either, it seems to have happened in an instance).


But there have been many others, some 20 planes and 200 ships have disappeared in the triangle in the last century alone (more than 2 per year)


Aircraft have not been immune, either! Oh no, in 1945 a group of 5 test aircraft, known as Flight 19, disappeared without trace while flying over the area.


What I’d love to know is why?

Why have there been so many reported disturbances in this triangle area that stretches across 500 000 miles, from Bermuda (obviously) to Florida and at the third point, Puerto Rico.

Well, there have been thousands of theories, and millions of ghost stories and mariners from times gone by (and into the present), who have told weird and wonderful (often crazy) stories about this fated place.

It all started with Plato (yes, I know… it’s good to name-drop a philosopher of note) who believed that the city of Atlantis with its infamous magical “time device” was buried beneath its waves. People think that this alien device is still sending ships and planes to their death. A time-slip created by a nation of aliens from the Lyrian star system, light years away from our planet.

Even Shakespeare might have discoursed on the triangle, because the Tempest, one of his most famous works, is based on the strange occurrences that might have happened in this area. Christopher Columbus, too, reported strange “flames” emanating from the sea as early as the 1400s and would not venture into these seas.

However, the area is just so unusually weird - not only is it infamous for unexplained disappearances, it’s also famous for its eels, yes eels- those long slippery creatures that live in rivers and were considered for centuries to be the one animal on earth that procreated without sex organs, yes you heard me right! Recently, after years, and years of unknowing, it was discovered that eels travel thousands of miles every 14 -17 years and only spawn in the Sargasso Sea, in the Bermuda Triangle, and they’re not the only species to do so, whales, rays and Porbeagle sharks use this area as a nursery.

Is there some unique life-giving force in this sea, is there something otherworldly in its existence, what if…what if..

Odd and familiar, the Bermuda Triangle is seat to a magnetic disturbance, a real scientific magnetic explosion that sends compasses and navigation instruments askew. It’s well known that True North, the point that sets a compass, moves periodically, but this is something else. It’s as if a black hole exists somewhere in this area, a hole that drains time and alters space. Huge clouds, with straight angles, that pack incredible lighting force are known to appear, out of the blue, here! Clouds that swallow planes and conjure waves that swallow ships.

More than one person has reported a time warp that hovers, like an evil genie over this location. In the ‘70s Bruce Gernon flew his plane from Andros to the coast of Florida, a journey that should have taken him more than an hour and a half to complete, he flew into a vortex of clouds and lightning, what he described as an “electronic fog”. He thought he was done for, but managed to fly out of what he described as an increasingly narrow hole in the clouds. When he reported his escape his plane was invisible on radar, but found almost 40 minutes ahead of his possible location. Bruce had flown from Andros to Florida in a time of 47 minutes, an unexplained; 43 minutes too fast. Did he fly into the fabric of time? Have others?
Is this a black hole?

What is its secret, is there a Kraken, a giant squid lurking under the surface, like the Loch Ness monster, or is it simply a high hurricane zone, where waves whip up like tsunamis and vanish ships whole.

Will we ever know?

But, I’d sure love to find the answer.


Wikipedia and

As a very young child, I perused my father’s book shelf and “stole” adult books to read in bed at night by torch light. Many of these books were forgettable, but the GEOFFREY JENKINS novels about the Bermuda Triangle were fascinating, even then. The mystery has always been...


The Bermuda Triangle always fascinated me as a kid. As I grew up I also explored the various options and underlying rationales. For me, it felt like extreme weather patterns were to blame...

You’re probably right. But there’s just so much mystery surrounding the area, for instance - its the deepest point in the Atlantic, totally under investigated, unexplored depths. There’s a massive gas field under the 🌊 waves, which scientists think could release as bubbles into the water, these bubbles would be disturbing enough to sink ships. The Gulf Steam current flows through the area and it’s known to cause ships to run adrift. The odd magnetic field causes displacement because navigators could lose their way if their compasses are not correct. So many weird things, it makes interesting reading and it’s very thought provoking.

I prefer your theories... I'd forgotten a lot of these.

Ohh, honestly when I read the weekend post I thought of two things regarding option three, one the mystery of the Bermuda triangle and two the mystery of the pyramids of Giza , Egypt, and in the end I chose to talk about the pyramids of Giza.
I'm glad someone talked about my first option.

I haven't dived into the Bermuda Triangle questions yet, but your last sentence made me smile:

As a very young child, I perused my father's book shelf and "stole" adult books to read in bed at night ...

HaHa!! I did exactly the same, and oh, what books I found in my older sister's and brother-in-law's closet! Memories of reading forbidden for teenagers come back. I read a booklet that could be described as quite scandalous. And there I also discovered my first interest in SF with - as it seemed to me at the time - the complete edition of all Perry Rhodan books.

Translated with (free version)

“Education” gleaned from the strangest of places. Haha ❤️💕❤️💕❤️❤️❤️