Passion which according to Cambridge dictionary is a very powerful feeling. This feeling may be of love or hate. This is to say that one's passion may be positive or negative . This strong desire for would make one devote his or her attention, energy etc for that which he/she loves.
Talking about passion on the positive side.
My passion.
Teaching is one of the major things I found great love and joy doing. In the year 2010, I left the teaching job to work with a dredging company, the pay as staff with the DDI (Destiny Dredging International) was three or four times higher than my teaching job salary, but working with this company was like living in the opposite direction, and I daily feel like I'm just at the wrong place. I tried to hide my feelings but my colleagues would always tell, Vincent you don't belong here. The manager ones told me to get a teaching job I just smiled.
Why teaching.
At age 6, I had started reading, and I would gather kids within the neighborhood and I will be teaching reading and writing. When my parents asked me what I would be when I'm grown, with joy I would say I say a teacher.
Funny, my dad would reply, we don't have teachers in our family where did you get this idea from I had no answers for him. I would be silent, the only punishment you would give me then as a child was to tell my learners to go away from me. With time I got the approval from my parents and I was sent to Teacher's Training College.
Working with these set of people is the best thing I ever seen they are pure in the heart, tells the truth, believes all things and motivated by any little thing.
The condition of teachers.
The teaching job is one of the most jobs people disregard in most parts of the world and I think it's worse in Nigeria. Teaching in the nursery and primary schools , the people don't value what you do the government itself don't care about you. This poor treatment on teachers had made many qualified educators to change profession leaving the very few passionate ones in the system.
It's only passion that would make a person remain a teacher in a country like mine. Where your salaries are not paid on time despite the fact that it's below the minimum wage. Some times, the salaries are delayed for a long period of time sometime 8 months or even a full year you have not received any payments. Only passion can keep you going.
The product is our joy ❣️.
There's a local saying that the reward for teachers are in heaven. This is to justify the suffering of the teachers but, teachers are intelligent people and they don't depend on the salaries for their joy but gets their joy when they see the little one become responsible members of the society.
Our society can't get much without teachers understanding our position in the nation building, we carry our shoulder high because no one can really do without a teacher.
Instead of complaining of poor enumeration for teachers, passionate teachers venture into side jobs such as content creating, blogging, affiliate marketing etc just to support their pockets and to deliver quality to the learners.
I must not forget to appreciate most parents who make out time to appreciate their child's teachers.
Teaching is an act.
Teaching goes beyond what happens within the four walls of the classroom, it goes down to the community and the teacher and his products mount at every corner of the world shinning and this is why the children sees their teachers as celebrities and truly they celebrate their teachers.
This passion had made me initiate a program I run just for elderly people who truly have no one to care for them. It's called HOPE IN THE VILLAGE FOUNDATION.
This foundation is born of the passion to help the elderly members of my community to do their farm work, fetch watch, clear the compound and other things as they would demand. I have youths of like passion who work with me to see that our elderly ones lack nothing. This foundation would be for another post as more would be coming from it.
I sincerely appreciate @galenkp for giving us this awesome opportunity to have a topic to write on every week. To be part of this contest, here's the
A passion for one's work makes life happier and work no longer work.
Catherine Pulsifer