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RE: The delay on life

Anything goes.... that sounds about right. Sometimes "anything goes" means a lot gets done and sometimes it means nothing gets done...LOL We'll know at the end of the day which category this day will fall in.

I did not know you Aussies called cantaloupe rock melons and I immediately wondered why and then I realized, I don't even know why WE call them cantaloupes either ha ha.... whatever they are called, the one I bought Wednesday was a really good one !

I did decide to have some more Maple Yogurt with my coffee though, so that was one good thing for the day already.


I think rock melon is a better name for them than cantaloupe. I mean, the thing sort of resembles a rock, sort of. I'm always reminded of antelope when I hear cantaloupe and wonder if there's some sort of weird connection. I don't suspect there is though.

I need to get me some maple yoghurt! I've never seen it here though. I wonder if I could just add maple syrup to vanilla yoghurt?

What folly is this that you would think the Aussie name is better. Hmmmffff !


For real, I don't care what we call it as long as whoever has some of it shares it with me!

I can't see any reason not to just add a little maple to the vanilla yogurt. Sparingly though of course to start, so it doesn't become too sweet to eat.

Look, maybe we should just call it cantarock...or even rockaloupe melon. Sound fair?

I guess !

....or a cantarockaloupe.. 😄

Oh, now you're talking.

But reading that salubrious name brings me to this one: Rockaloupamelon. Hmm, maybe yours is better though.

I think my version rolls out better....but.... either way is ok

Yeah, mine was a rather lame attempt, I'll own it.