Weekend Engagement: Resignation

Weekend Engagement 213, "Have you ever resigned from a job? Did the process go well or badly and was it awkward; did what you moved on to work out?" I won't be adding any photos, because I want to keep the content PG.

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Shortly before I started working at the library, when desperate for work to pay even the most basic bills, I accepted a part-time job at a... um... adult novelty store. I was still recovering from an injury which severely limited my physical capabilities on top of undiagnosed food allergies and chronic illness that had contributed to losing my previous job. It was a bad time, but one does what must be done to get by.

It was while I was working there when the local library announced a part-time opening as well. It was only two days a week, but it was a way to get my foot in the door at a job which far better suited my temperament and interests while also offering a far shorter commute. Win-win! But for a time, I needed both jobs to even hope to make ends meet.

It was only when changes at the library offered enough hours thanks to a resignation and restructuring that I finally had the option to choose one or the other. The job I liked actually offered an opportunity for stability. So I did the responsible thing and tendered my resignation with a proper two-weeks notice.

The manager demanded I turn in my key immediately and wait for my final paycheck to be mailed. That was it. Done. The entire job was awkward, and I don't regret leaving.

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"Kids these days have no respect," the elders say. They forget they also told us for years that respect is earned, not given. Then they did everything in their power to lose our respect by erecting barriers and leveling false accusations.

Now, many years later, I find myself at a crossroads at the library, too. Management has changed, and not for the better. The political backlash against left-wing authoritarian nonsense is resulting in ignorant right-wing authoritarian nonsense pervading everything as COVID refugees flee to rural areas, overturning local culture and imposing their will while they drive out others with rising costs of living.

Perhaps I will need to resign again. If only it were as easy as abandoning my last job. I have no backup plan.

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Aw man, I hope you dont have to but I have been there when the landscape changes and suddenly what was a decent job turns bad because of new folk. Gits

My upvote is simply because of your most pleasing use of the word, gits.

Hehe,a fine word! :OD

It is indeed. And so many opportunities to use it...so many gits.

"Gits" doesn't have enough syllables to properly express my contempt for these pompous incompetent authoritarian clowns.

Think you could stand going on the road and doing equipment repairs? That's kinda what I've been doing, hence not posting on Hive in the past six months. Well, that and my increasingly shitty internet service rendering Hive almost unusable.
But seriously, there's a need pretty much everywhere for small equipment repairs that most shops just won't do because it isn't worth their time. I keep welding 20-year-old lawnmowers back together, for example.

I should learn to weld, maybe.

"Learn to weld" is the new "learn to code," if you haven't noticed.

I have advocated learning the trades for years now. Plumbers, electricians, mechanics, welders, etc. are in demand and can't really be automated into obsolescence.

 9 months ago (edited) 

I did this topic as I'm at a crossroads also as I posted about a while back and was hoping to see some cool posts about people's resignations, the process and how it ended up working out...pretty much exactly what you've done here. Thanks mate, I appreciate you being involved. Curangeled.

Hello, when things don't work out at work, we have to start looking for a plan B and get out of there as soon as we find a replacement. We have to work, but our peace of mind is non-negotiable. Greetings.

A good work is something that we have satisfaction/happiness while we are doing it, but in recent day's, I have come to understand something and which is, most work don't give satisfaction/happiness, it would be good to resign again, if a backup plan was there, but, right now, I think following the job the way it is, is nice, because we need to keep taking care of our bills, a wish you a blissful weekend and always a good time at work 🥰🎉🙏

The job itself is still satisfying, and we have support from the locals, but the surrounding political and bureaucratic morass is making it untenable.

Oof. That is grim times my friend.

I hope you find something good!


I have no debt and modest savings. I may be due for a long vacation.

That's awesome.

BTW... I am looking to fill up the remaining slots of the Busy Bees group... you are active on a weekly and often daily bases. Would you like to join us?

The community is a loose group that imposes no restrictions on members, we are interested on tracking our growth and helping members to go. Reciprocal growth is a highlight too.

We will be looking at doing some activities as a group but these are not compulsory either.

We are a collection on Orca, Dolphin, Minnow and Redfish accounts. I would like to fill up slots for each group in a certain proportion.

I hate resigning hehehe, but sometimes we need to do it to keep moving. In my case, I found myself in a job in a hole, I was getting suffocated by the politics there and had no future of a better position, so I started applying for a new job. When I finally got a new offer, I made the 2 week notice. It was tough they made a good count offer of salary, but still I knew that they were only doing that because they were going to lose me. It was time to move on.

It depends on the degree to which this change in management affects you, especially if you have no backup plan.

Yes, these changes don't agree with my principles or values but is there a way I can manage through it, probably let all the insanity pass over my head and just keep up with what I need to do? Whatever your answers to these are would enable you make your final decision.

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
🙏 Don't forget to Support Back 🙏❤️ @gwajnberg suggested

I agree there is abuse of the down voting system, but I disagree with your accusations and blame game. Your account only came to my attention because of the long tirades repeatedly spamming my posts and the posts of others. I am shocked you want to play the victim.

If you are being paid to spam accusation treatises, that reflects poorly on you.

I downvote spam. Stop spamming your screeds and the downvotes stop. Post quality content, and I'm likely to up vote it if I happen to see it. You may need to create a new account without your usual naming conventions for that though.