DAMN!!! You have had quite a collection over the years... CARS, not cats, although probably both... not that I would refer to cats as a "collection" haha!
That catification room, oh my hat!!! AWESOME!!!
DAMN!!! You have had quite a collection over the years... CARS, not cats, although probably both... not that I would refer to cats as a "collection" haha!
That catification room, oh my hat!!! AWESOME!!!
Thanks @jaynie
I have a "collection" of Hive-ians that inspire me to be better here.
Your use of photos (Great Photography) takes your already
Great Writings to a higher level.
My photos are used to prop up my lack of writing skills. LoL
@galenkp really helped me with some great writing advice in the past. He and his Brother @tarazkp are very inspirational to me also.