Today it may be girls, music and Shakira's hips, but I never forget that my first obsession was dinosaurs. My parents bought all the species that were known until the 90's and filled the house with battles of titans, where there was no difference between a pterodactyl or a tyrannosaurus rex, anyone could win. This was augmented by the Jurassic Park movies that gave me a better idea of what they looked like, behaved like or sounded like, or at least what Steven Spielberg made me believe. If this place existed of course I would go to it, and of course I would think I would be safe even if the movie told me otherwise 😅
I took these pictures a few hours ago in a popular toy store in Caracas. I was walking alone in the mall and I took the opportunity to take a selfie with the Rex to send it to my wife who was in a meeting with my boss, and we just came out of a week of evaluations of our sacred repertoire in the choir, anyway. I never went in with her here because she is not amused by toys, but at my age I still love legos, Saint Seiya figures and dinosaurs, and while I hope to make my son happy, if I ever become a father, I needed to get close to this dinosaur that moves and sounds, even though it is not for sale. To my surprise, I get home and see that Galenkp has included Jurassic World in this weekend's themes 😎
I don't like all animals, in fact I'm team cat and quite anti-dog, although I don't hate them either. I am very reserved when I go to a zoo or when I see strange animals in parks or certain open spaces, but if Jurassic Park existed I would surely go and I would even dare to have contact with them. I think the first and most important reason is because surely that place would not be in Venezuela, and if I have to make the effort to travel to know it then I would give 100% to live the full experience. I really love them, and I would not expect the irregularities that happen in the movie, it would be too much bad luck 🤭
It may have been all a childhood dream, fiction and toys for my amusement, but dinosaurs could easily have been a profession for me too. I know all about them and I am up to date with every discovery, in fact when I watch those early movies from the 90's, although with a lot of nostalgia I realize how much mistakes there are in it, and the more we discover about the dinosaur era the more outdated is everything I learned as a child. I love the idea that several species could come back to life and be tamed to appreciate them on an island set especially for them. I know things could get out of hand, but it's worth a try. I hope to think the same way while being chewed up by one of them 🤣 there we'll really see how faithful I am to them 😵💫
¿Como es que me perdi esta publicacion? jajaja ¡¡¡esta genial!!! 😍 Cuantos dinos, sin duda yo tambien iria a Jurassic Park si existiera, ya sabemos que puede salir mal, pero bueno, la emocion de querer ver dinosaurios es impulsiva jaja 😂 yo formo parte de los adultos que aun visitan la seccion de juguetes mas que la de adultos jaja sobre todo la de dinosaurios, me quedo un buen rato viendolos y buscando mis dinos favoritos, ame las esculturas, me vuelvo loca si estoy ahi 😍
¡Cuidado que no te muerdan! 😂
Recuerda que desde aquel post que hiciste de Dinosaurios me comprometí a hacer el mío, tengo una colección de ellos en casa, lo que pasa es que ahora vivo en otra ciudad y cuando voy me complico, pero cuando haga ese post seguro te mencionaré... Abrazos mi querida!!!
Aqui estara Buhito esperando ver esa coleccion 🦉 donde hay dinos, alli voy jaja
I can't believe it! Another thing we agree on, cats and dinosaurs haha my favourite is the long neck! I would also go to that park in a heartbeat, yes!
Dinosaurs are cool...but Shakira. 😍
Ay! Me encanta ese lugar! Jajajaj tu cara, loquito!
Me gusta tu obsesión.