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RE: WEEK 160: Yes, I have asked a guy out for a first “date” and…

Hello friend. I think you are very brave and we men appreciate that you also take such initiatives, at least I do hehe... On the other hand, I think you scared him when you said you couldn't in two hours, he was very sincere and he felt bad with your resounding NO. On the other hand, you immediately went on vacation and then I seemed to understand that you did not return to that job.

I don't think it's something about him, I think it was coincidence that you couldn't continue. But if one day you feel like you should make the invitation to a guy don't hesitate to do it, that's what it feels like when the time is right. I have 6 years with my girlfriend, but I never forget that the first time I told her I liked her she told me no. I've been with her for 6 years. It took me four years to convince her haha, but I knew she was the one. I send you a hug, I loved reading you...


Hello Jesus, thanks for stopping by!

Maybe I did scared him for the invitation because he didn't expect it. But I think you got me wrong. I did came back 3 weeks after, and during my vacations we still talked on Whatsapp. And even now, we still talk but the topic hasn't been mentioned again.

Perseverance is key to accomplish what we desire haha. So glad you are together now! I send you the best vibes.
