Las plantas Nos cuidan. Eso me enseñó mi padre

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I always wanted to own a garden. Mi father told me when I was little, that plants protect us, and even can hear us. They're alive. My father had the most beautiful garden. Now I'm doing mine.

Mi huerto-jardín. Aún le falta mucho para lo que tengo planeado en mi cabeza, pero todos los días hago algo nuevo. Tengo un papel tapiz que imita piedra cubierta con hiedras. Mi intención es forrar toda esa pared. Este fin de semana pretendo hacerlo, les estaré contando.

My orchard-garden. It is still a long way from what I have planned in my head, but every day I do something new. I have a wallpaper that imitates stone covered with stones. My intention is to cover all that wall. This weekend I intend to do it, I'll be telling you.

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