Last Weekend of November Holidate with the Bestie | #Adulting Convo

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

Last Weekend of November Date with the Bestie.jpg

Hello, Hivers, how are you all doing? It's almost the weekend, yay! And speaking of the weekend, I'll be sharing with you some highlights of my last weekend holidate during the last Saturday - Sunday of November. 😅

In my previous post entitled Catching Up with Bestie at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (CBTL) After our Early Dinner at JEJU, I shared that I recently met with my best friend Haj. Last weekend, we had a holidate staycation at Sarossa International Hotel. It should have been the three of us, Tin, Haj and I, just like on our December 2019 staycation at Cebu Hilltop Hotel, but Tin was not available last weekend. My friend Haj has been looking forward to a staycation because he's too burnout with his new job as a public school teacher.

We talked a lot of things, serious things for this matter, during our heart-to-heart talk. Every time we see each other, in cafes or in restaurants, we always have these kinds of conversations. I guess because both of us are "melodramatic" and we both share this "super talkative" mode every time we're together. Haj shared that he's not where he thinks he's supposed to be at twenty-seven. When we were teens in college, he told me that he was thinking about having a career that he loves by his late twenties; and also maybe work outside the country, too. Now in his late twenties, he has a job that he does not love and he slightly hates. He does not have good set of friends in the workplace. He's not inspired to wake up and work. I told him I could relate to these aspects, in a sense. I, too, felt like I failed my college self who had such high hopes. Then it hit me: Life is this vicious cycle of being discontent about where we are and what we're doing, as did the generation that came before us, so as us, and so will the future generation. I think being in your twenties does this to a person. It is a period in one's life wherein if you're not having regrets about getting married early or not getting married at all, you'll have regrets or what-ifs about your career. Tssk. It's just plainly... sad. What has become of our lives, right? But I guess that's just me because I tend to exaggerate things. Or do you also somehow feel the same?

One of my realizations during our conversation was this: Sometimes, being a grown-up sucks, and it can suck a lot. One day you are in your late teens, filled with crazy hope, dreaming about conquering the world. The next day, you are this twenty-something who is stuck between choosing what you love to do and not getting paid a lot for it, or not getting paid at all; or doing what you do not want to do just because it pays your bills and puts food on your table. On rare occasions, you can actually choose both but then you end up having to give up a certain aspect of your life. BEING AN ADULT IS SO WEIRD AND CRAZY AND DEFINITELY UNEXPECTED LOL. But whatever happens, you have to show up. You continue to show up. You go out there and make things happen and you tell the world that you can definitely kick some butt. Hell yeah, you can. While it can suck, being a grown-up is amazing because you have freedom to choose, unlike when you're a college student without a job, right? It's an added bonus when you have a genuine set of friends who can be with you on this #adulting journey, and I am glad I have a few real ones I can always count on.

Our #adulting convo was pretty hardcore and we ended up being able to realize a couple of important things, aside from the one I wrote above. For instance, it is vital to have peace of mind in whatever decisions I get to make. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT! You have to protect your peace of mind at all times. Another would be, there is nothing much more rewarding than sharing your resources with your family by making them happy as you help, especially on the financial aspect. It is always great to share your blessings. One more thing: being a working professional has lots of challenges but these problems are opportunities for growth, so they are actually blessings in disguise (who knew).

After our heart-to-heart conversation, we then proceeded to become our quote-and-quote carefree (and a bit crazy) "college selves" lol. Just a little background: we used to do "pretend models" way back in college and pose for the camera haha. It's something we do for the sheer fun of it. So Haj and I took turns in taking photos, as you can see below. 🤣

The view from where we stayed.





















Oops. My shoes are on the couch. 😅

How I feel about December 😁

What a weekend it was! I was so happy to be with my bestie who reminded me of carefree it was to be in college; and it was great to see Haj after the pandemic and lockdowns, definitely. I am proud of the both of us; we may not be where we wanted to be when we were teens but we have come this far, and we are thriving adults in the real world. In addition, we both have matured, and that is truly important. And just in case no one has told you this yet, dearest Hiver on the other side of the screen: I am proud of you, and you should know that you is proud of you, too. ✨

‘Til the next post, hivers! Remember that you are loved beyond borders and beyond time & space. Okay? Okay. 💛❤️

Ciao for now! 🤗🥰

This original article is written by Jong, the blogger behind All photos are hers, too.

Jong CL

Hive-llo, everyone! Welcome to Jong's little buzz-y corner in Hive. Jong believes that every person she meets can teach her a thing or two (or three, or more) about life. She shares her love for life here-- the captivating beauty of life! To be more specific, but not necessarily in this order, she's interested in: wisdom, love, poetry, single life, books, travel, health&fitness, fashion, gratitude, unspoken hurts, heartbreaks and healing. Lastly, she loves Jesus.

Do you like her content? Make sure to upvote, then! Drop some love by leaving a comment-- she really appreciates listening to your thoughts! 💛 Feel free to reblog if her post resonated with you. Kindly follow her to not miss a post! Happy hiving, loves! 💛

write to wander by jong cl.gif


It's a nice weekend @jongcl, nothing is better than spending weekend with our besties.

:) what do u luv.. being a hiver. what can u get paid for?.. being a hiver. so, just be a full-time hiver and get paid doing what u enjoy doing!! :P

fall back plan.. full-time model.

btw, that's a plan for u.. I got kids so need to try and make more and think i would actually need to pay ppl to look at my pics.. :P

It is a great weekend with your besties girl <3