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RE: Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 200

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago

My friend, you are incredible, have the imagination to create so many topics. I wasn't sure what I would write, but I couldn't resist the idea of kidnapping my wife to a desert island. I know she likes the city, lol if she dreams with the kidnapping, I'll sleep on the couch today. Here is my participation post:


Being the only two people on a secluded tropical island with my partner sounds like a great idea...I can see why you like the idea with your own wife...I hope you enjoy the couch this weekend though.

Boy, I had an accident during the week and had to pull out my toenail. I have a medical certificate, a week off work, I took advantage and went traveling, yesterday I spent a king day with my wife and son. Today and tomorrow is that day when I stay at home with the couch, movies, netflix and nothing to do. In short, 100% in the Hive.

Pulled a toe nail off? Fucken ouch!

Well, rest up and enjoy some Netflix.

Thanks for the strength.

I have a question: can post in 2 languages or just in English?

Nope, just in English, dual language posts are muted without warning in my communities.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. One person tried to harm me by saying they could, I'm glad I asked.

I wish you an excellent weekend.

Yeah, always just ask me as I know what's up in my own communities. If you read the posting guide pinned to the top of the community feed it's all explained clearly.