
”senseless”. But if I had no choice then touch would be it. Not because it’s not important but the other senses are of greater importance to survive comfortably in our world.@kemmyb 😀lol. I agree it would be costly. As I said, Of course I’m only choosing under duress. In a real sense it would be hard to choose to give up one of my senses as it would be kind of

I understand your choice but still, I believe touch is important. Then you can feel things. It's what makes us humans - we FEEL.

If we lose the sense of touch, it will be rough! 😄

Receiving and giving affection is a beautiful thing, but remember it works differently for some people. Affection is can be felt in the warmth of a gaze or in the softness of a voice, in the little things you do for someone. As a person who has traits of the autism spectrum I know about lots of people that don't understand the purpose of touch, kiss and hug and still show great level of affection.

Hi @brutalisti, you say -

... I know about lots of people that don't understand the purpose of touch, kiss and hug and still show great level of affection.

This response is enlightening for me. I'm curious, how do they show this affection? Like, do they understand their 'actions' of affection? I don't know if you understand what I am trying to ask.

Of course they do, They just express it in different individual manner, that often can be invisible for most people. Imagine you are dating a boy on the spectrum, so you understand it more personal. He can show you affection by sending you an e-mail with the exact names of people, the place and the time of a surprise birthday party, some friend are secretly preparing for you. He can reorder the colors in your make up box, he can watch at you finger tips in a romantic moment. He may panic if you gently brush his skin, but he may love experience skin pressure that is painful for people with low pain tolerance. It is always different and need attention and love to find it. It is like talking different language. Good thing is he can learn your language and you can learn his, still it is not an easy task.