The most special time for myself. Me time is a very important schedule I don’t want to get distracted on. It’s the time where I enjoy my own company. My phone is on mute, DND ( Do Not Disturb). A time where I can relax my mind , refresh and reconnect to myself and feelings. There are a lot of activities I choose to do at this very moment.
Take myself out
In my “me time”, I try to take me out. This isn’t regular but once a while due to my financial level. Mostly within the end of the month, when my salary has been paid. I use at least 10% of my salary to enjoy myself. It could be going to a restaurant to enjoy delicious meals or going to the spa or a recreational place. Pampering myself is something I yearn to do all my life. I’m hoping that when things change and I can afford holiday trips for myself, I would roam around the world just by myself. I work so hard and I deserve a baby girl treatment.
During “me time”, I like to sketch anything. I look around my environment and sketch whatever my mood puts me to. I mostly like sketching with a pen, because I’ve a pen in my handbag wherever I go.
Movie and music
People call me a movie freak. I can boldly say I have watched 80% of Netflix movies. Right now I have slowed down a bit with movies because of work. I return home at 7pm and take my supper, before I on my laptop to watch a movie, I’d already be yawning. I sleep after watch just one episode since I would have to wake up early the next day for work.
Before I used to work, I could watch three different movie series simultaneously. Instead of completing one movie series and moving to another. Yeah that’s how much I get attached to my movie. Most especially sitcoms are my favorites. I like to laugh, makes me forget my worries. I enjoy watching my movies while taking snacks. I feel it’s illegal to be watching and not chewing😂.
As for music, I mostly listen to them during work with my AirPods on. Sometimes while I’m doing an activity, like drawing, working out, cooking, ironing, washing or cleaning my room. In this moment, I enjoy cool songs from musicians like Khalid, Dean lewis, Jonah kagen, Givēon among others. Hence I have a music playlist prepared for these activities. I recently added listening to podcasts too. I enjoy the motivational and comedy podcasts.
I choose to reach out to a book or a Quran. These two have really helped shaped my life. They have broaden my knowledge and perspective on life. It has revealed a hidden talent for absorbing positive knowledge and emotions. Most of my books have been borrowed, I wonder when I would get them back, I might not even get them back.
All in all, people around me know I don’t joke with my me time. I’ve fought a lot of silent battles with just me by myself. I’ve worked so hard to come this far. I want to thank me for believing in me. Thank me for holding up with me. I promise to always consider my happiness and peace of mind first. I promise to work on myself to be my best self always.
Nice your "me time" is full of fun and what's great about it is you are mostly focus on doing other things rather than spending more time on screen. I also want to do this but my hand and eyes won't cooperate, even my mind will go gaga of I spent more time without my phone. Because seriously most of the thing thay keeps me entertained was found in my phone 😆
Hahaha 🤣
I think the reason behind me not addicted to my phone is because, sometimes I pretend I’m phoneless. I go off every social media platform for a week or more. Just only calls. And I don’t get bored because of these other activities I get going. I’ve been planning to reschedule that again but because of work. We have so many whatsApp groups and I would be missing out a lot if I do so.
But it’s a good thing for your mental health, you should give it a try whenever you can.
I'll probably try this too. My eyes need more rest now more than my body and mind aigoooo.
You're listening to Selena Gomez, too🥹
Anyway, my Me Time is being alone and listening to music. I'm not a fan of watching a movie (it quickly gets me bored unless there's something worthwhile to watch). I also like to treat myself in a fast-food chain every time I experience success😂
Yeah I listen to selena Gomez.
I think you need a very good movie that will put u in suspense making you glued to your screen. A movie like the “The night agent “ will you blow your mind.
Yes I’m glad you give yourself a treat after your success coz you know your struggles, you deserve the treat.
Yo I like that sketch of the person sitting by the beachside. It doesn't have too much detail, just enough to give you an idea of what is portrayed. How do you even think up something like that? Man!
Sounds like all the girls I know listen to podcasts now. Beginning to wonder if I'm missing out. What stuff you listen to on these podcasts.
I think the day I sketched that, I was in my gloomy thoughts imagined sitting by the beach.
Podcasts are really nice. At first it felt weird listening and not seeing especially the narrative ones. But I started imagining it in my head as I listened. There are different types of podcasts you can listen to and thanks to Apple, we have more shows we can listen to. There are topics on Relationships, mental health, Education, Self-improvement, health and fitness among others.