I am more of an indoor person, and I also love eating a lot. So you can already guess what I will choose if I have the opportunity to either have a BBQ, eat snacks, and play board games or hang out with friends. But then I do not know why I sometimes don't like anyone in my space, I don't always like having friends around even though I can't avoid it. The reason is not far-fetched from me enjoying my own company. However, there are times when we would just want to enjoy the moment and stay with our loved ones.
Some years back, I went camping with my friends, we've only done it once, and I can say it was one of the best moments of my life. All we did was take a week's break from everything and focus on having fun as one big family. There was a cheap camping spot in town, and we thought we would go there to enjoy the camping experience together. All we did throughout the camp was wake up, eat, talk, play (both board games and other kinds of games), and repeat. It felt good to be free from all the pressures of the real world for a moment and just focus on being happy and free.
That was the only time I felt that way in my life, and it would certainly give me so much joy to experience such an experience again. There was a time in my life when I would go clubbing with my friends, those sets of friends were different from the set I went camping with. But the difference is that both experiences made me realize who I was and the kind of things I liked. I only went clubbing because my friends were going clubbing. I didn't like the club environment or the loud music and energy dissipation there. I didn't last a year with those friends of mine and I haven't even spoken with them in more than 5 years because, at the end of the day, I realized their kind of life wasn't fun for me or anything I would want to do for that matter.
Sometimes too I like my alone time but when we spend a little time with friends it gets more enjoyable
Yeah that's true