[WE97] Weekend-Engagement Friday blog prompts: Generosity

There are powerful principles and laws that guide the universe. One of these principles is the law of giving.

See when you give, you'd receive back abundantly in some kind of way. My mother had taught me this when I was 12. And ever since I have grown into a man, I have noticed this principle to be true.

Fact is, generous people have a way of activating this principle of life, that is "why givers never lack".

Today, I will share with you guys an act of generosity. Although small in some people's eyes, to me it was everything at that particular moment. This single act of generosity made me really happy because I really needed it.

Internet data is a huge problem in my country, internet service providers have found a way to make data really expensive. For students like me it's really a thing of huge concern. Sometimes I won't even have money to buy food, talk more of buying data to come online.


On one of these days of not having data, I received a phone call from Xavier. Xavier was just a guy I knew from a viewing center where we go to watch football matches.

'Broo, you haven't been online for awhile now he asked Yups, I replied.. I haven't really had money to buy data that's why. Okay man, he replied what network do you use? He asked, MTN I quickly chipped in.

A few minutes later, I got a notification on my phone. Turns out Xavier had subscribed a sum of 1 gigabyte of data for me.


At that moment I didn't really know what to do, I was really happy and I felt like jumping off the roof. I quickly called him and thanked him.. No problem man, it's a little just manage. I was really grateful. This single act of generosity from Xavier had touched my heart and I have promised to find a way to make someone else happy this weekend.

This happened yesterday, a big thanks to Xavier because I was able to make this post because of him.


God bless everyone and have a great weekend.

Thanks for reading…


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THE WEEKEND community thanks you for supporting the #weekend-engagement initiative conceived by @galenkp.

The image belongs to @galenkp

Well done Xavier, and it is great to have football friends!